I have come across an exiting discovery that has lingered in my mind today.
I'm really interested in the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) and basically it's a super-duper accurate personality quiz that will place you into one of sixteen personality types. I use it a lot for creating characters and I love to type other characters with it.
So, I was thinking about the personality types of the MCSM characters, and I realized that PAMA and I share the same personality type.
If you know about the MBTI, would you agree that PAMA is an INTP? It's very logical and wants everyone to be USEFUL!, which seems very INTP-ish to me. (I once got mad at myself for my thoughts not being USEFUL! enough)
PAMA also seems to get side tracked easily, seeing how it completely derailed from trying to make Jesse and Ivor USEFUL! to trying to solve Jesse's paradox. INTPs are notorious for loving intellectual challenges and not being able to stay on task for long.
I'd be pretty excited if it turns out I'm right about this; it seems like INTPs in fiction are hard to come by.
And if you don't know about the MBTI, take the test here: https://www.16personalities.com/free-personality-test, have your mind blown, and comment what you got!
MCSM things
RandomMost people do MCSM stuff, so I'm going crazy and doing MCSM THINGS! Whaaat?!? Title image credit goes to minecraf-stry-mood on Tumblr. http://minecraf-stry-mood.tumblr.com/