09 Home is Where the Heart is

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Roots grow from where you've called home,
  But also grow deeper into the soil as     the flower blooms
   I planted my roots deep into my heart
    For as they say, home is where the heart is

You took me in and showed me the most precious flower
  A delicate red rose that burned to grow into my heart and yours
   Your rose faded from red to pink and finally to white as its roots grew out of my heart
    At least i had my own roots still, but at the price of them wrapped around your heart

My roots were trapped deep in the depths of your heart, but your flower had died
  In the end you decided to leave anyway, with my roots still planted deep
   If home is where the heart is, then you stole my home and kept yours
    Now i'm homeless and alone and i dont know what to do

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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