Chapter 1

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Ok so this is my first story on here and I hope it comes out good but I don't expect anything amazing out of this. But hey I figure I would give it a shot, so here it goes my first story on here. I am thinking I should have the next chapter up in the next few days. Hope you all enjoy it! :D


Chapter 1 : 

        I was running, through the blank darkness. I could hear the snapping of jaws and the pounding of running paws behind me but I daren't look back. The sound of my own pounding heart and fear slowly taking over the other sounds. Suddenly I was falling, falling down a hole still trying to run. I felt hopelessness close in as I saw them all standing over me with a menacing look in their eye and anger written all over their faces. I felt myself stop falling as they grew closer. One of them lunged at me and I felt him clamp down on my leg.

        I woke up with a scream piercing the quite of my room and my body covered in a thin layer of sweat. Looking down I could see my legs were rapped up in my sheets that I had thrown off me sometime during the night.

        Tearing the sheets from my legs I jumped out of my bed and rushed to the bathroom down the hall. Grabbing the sink to stable myself once inside, my body still in shock from the nightmare I had just awoken from. Turning the faucet on with a quick jerk of my hand I leaned down and splashed water in my face, in an attempt to make myself feel better.

        "Come on girl, snap out of it! Why are you doing this to yourself again?" I said out loud to myself as I look in the mirror.

        It had been so long since I last had a nightmare about my past and it had taken me off guard. Not like all of them don't do the same thing, this one just more unexpected. I mean come on, I had just got rid of them! The fact that my mind was going back to it after so much trying to get rid of it was what had me more shaken than anything else, because once it starts it doesn't stop.

        I sighed and turned off the faucet looking at the dark bags under my eyes, they were huge. Looks like I was going to have deal with that now. Oh beauty treatment, how we love thy. Turning around I grabbed my bathrobe and pushed my arms through it, tying it loosely in front of me.

        Trudging out of the bathroom and back to my room I headed for my bed and bragged my phone, nothing. Then going over towards my closet I slipped my slippers on and sighed again.

        I never really was a morning person, that I could tell you with certainty, ever sense I was a little girl. I used to remember when I sit at the table as five year old and litterally glare at my food, as if it was the reason I had to get up. But heading down the stairs this morning I knew it was going to be a worse morning than the usual. So when I got in the kitchen I made sure to turn the coffee pot on. I was going to need it for the day today.

'Oh sweet coffee, you shall be in my tummy soon.' I thought to my self as I leaned over and looked at the pot directly.

Walking over to the table I pulled out a chair and sat down, letting my brain drift off into thinking as I waited.

My name is Tessa Wellington and yes before you ask I am a lone wolf. Don't get me wrong I am just as happy as I would be in a pack. I actually enjoy the solitude these days; it is too hard for me to be around people due to trust issues. Yeah, blame my old pack for that, or more like my supposed 'best friend.' I try not to dwell on it though; the past only brings me pain.

I ran away when I was just fifteen and as of right now I am twenty. I live in a nice little cozy rented house that is right up against the woods for easy convenience, let me tell you I was happy to find such a splendid place. Yes, I think it's splendid.

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