Chapter 2

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Picture on the side is Tessa. Enjoy the chapter. :) 


Chapter 2:

One letter, one letter that's all it took for my world to literally flip upside, be turned inside-out, eaten and thrown up in my face.

No, it's not because I don't get letters ever. I have friends gosh. It's because of who it was from in general. I have spent so much time making sure that they could never track me down.

Don't get me wrong I love my family to death, but if they know where I am then he could know where I am! Do you not understand the importance of this fact?

I felt a sudden pain in my chest as I realized I hadn't been breathing. But that was a mistake. Because the second I did take a breath in it felt like someone sucker punched me right in the gut.

Dropping the letter I jumped to my feet. My actions still not all my own, my wolf was taking over as survival mode kicked in. Walking over to each window individually I pulled the curtains shut, peering through each one. Checking to make sure no one was out there in the shadows, watching. Once satisfied on that subject I quickly ran to the door and locked it. They could be out there.

I leaned my back against the door and let the tears fall that had been threatening to, letting the realization wash over in waves. With each terrible wave that hit me I hugged my knees tighter into my chest and cried. Sniffing I looked up and dried my tears, I was determined. I wasn't going to let this rule me now, I had already cried enough in my life.

"Maybe he doesn't know, maybe they had gotten away too." I said to myself with confidence lacing it. That was funny however, because I really truly didn't have any right now in this moment. “I covered my tracks so well, how could they have found me?" I whispered to myself, still unable to comprehend it all.

Slowly running through everything I did in the last month I tried to figure out where I had slipped up so badly. It was then that idea hit me. How could I have been so stupid? I put the return address on Maggie's birthday card. I always made it a point not too. Guess that's what happens when you get to careless, not to mention how sick I had been that week and how clouded my head was because of it. I might have just ruined everything!

Pushing myself off the ground I headed for the table again. Mine as well read it and figure out what it's all about. Better than worrying and thinking the worst of it; right?

Working my way through my now dark and quiet house I began to feel a bit freaked out. I would blame it on nerves but deep down I knew it was more than just nerves. Ascending the stairs to my bedroom I walked with care, as not to disturb the quiet that had now settled on my house.

Once in my room I crawled into my bed and pulled the covers over my legs. Leaning my back against the wall I let out a deep breath, not quite sure what emotion it came from. I was feeling so many emotions right now. From fear to sadness to happiness, I was just so confused now.

I don’t know how long I stared at the envelope but I finally worked up the courage and ripped it open with a quick tearing sound. My hands shaky as they pulled out the piece of neatly folded paper, unfolding it I found my name neatly written across the top in large swooping cursive letters. Then written below in my moms neat and small hand writing it read…

How have you been my dearest? I do hope you have made a well and good life for yourself out there in the world. We all do so truly miss you and wish you would visit, even though we all know you are probably better off where you are. However I have some news.

Your brother, Hunter, has found his mate. As much I would have loved to deliver this news in person you know that I couldn’t have. I don’t think we would have ever even been able to tell you had you not slipped up on Maggie’s birthday card. Now and Hunter, and the family, who you know just adores you would be over joyed if you came. We don’t expect you to though, because we understand the risks that are involved in you coming. Just thought you should hear the good new.

 The wedding is in three week, I know it is short notice. I’m truly sorry for that, but it took for ever for me to work up the courage to send this to you. Please if you do decide to come, write us back so we can prepare.

That is what it said, and just as quickly as it had started it was over. They were still in that death trap; no one ever gets out of there. I was the only one who ever had. I still don’t even fully understand how I pulled it off.

I think I must have read that letter around twenty times. Hunter my favorite brother, granted only brother, had found his mate! They were getting married! I couldn’t believe it. I could never miss something like that. My brother deserved better than that, he deserved to have his sister there on one of the most important days of his life.

I don’t know how long I sat there on my bed contemplating my options, but by the time I looked outside it was pitch black out. I couldn’t decide what to do though. I mean there was obviously risks involved in returning to my homeland but I didn’t want to miss this part of my brother’s life either. Family is one of the most important things to me, everyday it pains me to think that I left them behind in that place.

But the pain had been too much for me, and they wanted me to go. I was the only one who even had a chance at getting away due to my friendship with the alpha. I hated him so much though after that night he overthrew his father. I hadn’t even known he was going to do it, only his closest guy friends did. As if it wasn’t enough that he didn’t trust me, he expected me to embrace the new evil him as I had embraced the old him. I don’t know why some people think they deserve the world to kneel before them.

He had never once been mean before that night. But once he had power I guess he figured he could let the inner him out for all to see. Never once did I look at him as a friend again after that night, especially a week later when all the really bad stuff started happening. It was gradual at first, but sooner or later it just took over our pack. The once good pack turned into something dark, all by his hands and the fear he held over them all.

I not afraid of him though, what I am afraid of is the power and fear he holds over people. I am afraid that if I step on those lands again, I will never get off them again. That is my greatest fear, being trapped there again. I am not a fighter at all, the only thing I have to help me is my speed and that’s not always the best thing to have. However, I have learned in my so few years that you can not let fear bar you in. You have to take charge and face them, for there is no fun in life without risk.

I would go. I would go and see my family. I will not let that monster stop me from seeing one of the only good things I have left in my life. He can’t keep me there either for I am not a part of his pack. He can kill me for trespassing, but he can’t make me stay.

Tomorrow I would write the letter to my family. Tomorrow I would girl up and face one of my biggest fears. It was time I did that anyways, fear has ruled my past for far too long.

With that I put the letter on my bedside table and turned off the light, crawling under the covers. Tomorrow, the day that would set a whole new part of my life in motion. Thoughts of what was to come and what had been swam in my head as I drifted off to sleep. Little did I know of just how much was really going to be coming and just how much it would change me.


I planned on having this up sooner but for some reason I just couldn’t decide what all I wanted included in this chapter. I was originally going to combine this chapter with what the next one will be but as I was reading this I figured it was stronger this way. I am also sorry for this being another short chapter, both of these past two chapters have been only three pages on word exactly. Hope you enjoyed the chapter let me know your thought and or questions. :)


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