Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

            I sat in my kitchen silently going over the plan I had made for getting to New Moon’s territory, it was going to be a long trip. I never wanted to go back so I had moved quite a bit away from my old pack, three states to be exact.

            It had been a week sense I had gotten the letter from my mother and I wrote her back instantly the next day saying I was coming. I had to do it before I changed my mind or something. But now, as I sat in the kitchen about ready to leave I wasn’t sure anymore. My gut was telling me not to go however my heart was telling me to go. I was raised to follow my heart though, even if I don’t follow that philosophy very often.

             The plan was to leave here in about ten minutes and go down to the bus station where I would ride a bus for about 20 hours to my little home town in Colorado. Yeah I got lucky, no transfers needed.

            Getting up out of my chair I made sure to push it back in before I headed to the living room and through the rest of the house to do a once over. Everything was in place and ready to go, or should I say ready to be left. Heading back downstairs I went to the door and slung my purse over my shoulder grabbing my luggage as I did so.

Walking out the door I pulled it shut behind me and dug into my purse for my keys, digging them out and locking the door. Turning the knob once to double check if it was locked, an action engrained in my mind. I sighed and took a step away from the door, I had worked so hard for this house, I was proud of myself and my accomplishments. But I couldn’t fight the nagging little feeling inside of me telling me I would never see it again. I knew it was wrong though, I would be back home in a month tops.

The bus station is only a ten minute walk from my house so I walked, pulling my luggage on behind me. Waving and smiling at people as I went by them, the people here all knew each other and were super friendly. It isn’t that my town was small, it just happens to be that way. The town itself was actually considerable in size.

Ten minutes later I was standing at the bus station and walking up to the counter. An older man who I recognized as Phil was standing behind it looking from a computer to some papers and then back again. The station wasn’t very busy today, so there was no line to wait in.

“Hey Miss Tessa, what you up to today?” Phil said with a smile as he finally noticed me at the counter.

I couldn’t help but smile back because his was just so contagious, “Oh you know, just the ole’ gloom and doom trip back to visit the family.” I joked around as I leaned on the counter.

Phil chuckled and waved his finger at me, “Now don’t go saying that stuff, remember how they done raised you up and all.” A southern accent lacing his words as he spoke.

“Oh come now Phil, I was only joking.” I said as shrugged my shoulders in defeat, “However you are right.”

“That’s what I thought girly.” He said as he leaned back in his chair, “The bus should be leaving here pretty soon, maybe you should be getting your little self moving on now.”

“Yes sir,” I mock saluted him as I turned and started walking away. “Goodbye Phil, have a nice day now.” I waved behind me at him.

“You too Tessa, and be careful.” He smiled and waved back at me as he went back to his work.

I boarded my bus and thought about the earlier conversation I had had with Phil over the phone when I called inquiring about a bus to Colorado. He sounded upset, especially when I mention just what part of the state. He was a werewolf too. The pack around here was very friendly and didn’t mind me because I didn’t cause problems. They sometimes even considered me part of the pack.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2014 ⏰

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