Before You Were Mine: The Goodbye Letter

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A/N: Hey all! Here is the first missing scene from Before You Were Mine (BYWM).

Please feel free to add comments with some more ideas for these in the reviews.

Before You Were Mine: Missing Scenes

*Stefan writes a letter to Elena, the night before the warehouse fire that nearly kills him*

The Goodbye Letter

Dear Elena,

I want you to know something. I love you.

I know, you've heard those words by a lot of people in your life. Friends. Family. The guys you dated before me. For each one, it's a different type of love. For you and I. It's forever.

Elena, my sweet and beautiful girl.

I've never meant it more than I do now.

I love you with every fiber of my being and tonight, I want you to know that if I don't come back from this job. Baby, you need to know that if something happens to me out there in any of the jobs that I do. I'll never stop loving you. I will never stop fighting to make it home to you.

You changed my entire life and it's because of you that I've become a better man. I don't think I've ever said thank you for making me a better person. But, I guess I should start now. So, here it goes.

Thank you. For loving me, fiercely, unselfishly. Thank you for showing me that love can conquer almost anything. And, most of all, thank you for giving me the two precious gifts that we now call Sam and Olivia- our children. I see you in Olivia when I look at her and I see myself in Sam. They're going to grow up being loved by us and never once will they know what it feels to go to sleep without feeling cared for. I tear up every time I think about not being able to see them grow up and watch them become everything that you and I both know that they can be. Amazing human beings with the world at their feet.

I know that you hate talking about it. I guess that's why I'm sitting here writing about all of this instead. Although, I need to have you promise me that if something ever happens to me. I want Damon and Matt to help out with the twins as much as they can. Elena, if I die and if I never come back home to you. I want you to move on and eventually, learn to love again. I know that it's hard to talk about. But, you need to understand that I'd rather watch you be happy again then miserable and mourning me for a long time. Because, we both know that, that isn't what I'd want for you or our kids.

As for the children, sweetheart. Please, tell them stories about me. Tell them the stories of our first date and the one of your birthday party (after we had broken up). Tell them that their father loved their mother more than life itself and that he also died doing the job he loved more than anything. Tell our kids that I'll be looking over them every single day and protecting them. Tell them that I wanted them so much and when I held them for the first time in my arms, it was the best feeling of my life.

I just....

I want them to know that they were loved. I never once want them to think that they were abandoned.

Stefan placed his pen down, exhaling deeply as the tears began to trickle down his cheeks. He was writing this letter as a "Just in case I die."- A goodbye letter. It was harder than he had expected, to write the one thing that he had been avoiding. However, Tyler and nearly every fireman had done it before any job. It was important that he wrote what he felt.

His shaking hands stopped for a second as he closed his eyes and wiped his tears. He needed to finish it. He needed them all to know what they've meant to him. Including, her.

Tell Damon that I love him and that I'm proud to have been called his younger brother. Tell him that he's been my best friend since we were kids and I hope that he can guide our children and be a mentor for them. Maybe teach them things that I'll never get the chance to do.

Tell Caroline, Bonnie and Tyler to be strong. Have the girls be by your side, even if you don't think you'll need them. Believe me, a few days after the shock wears off, you'll need your friends to lift you back up when you can't get out of bed. When you can't eat or sleep, talk to Matt. He's a good listener. Make sure that he goes to that donut place you love so much in Manhattan and gets you your favorite donuts when you're sad. Even if it's midnight and you're not hungry. Force Damon to go with him and to take Tyler too. Because, they'll need each other.

Lastly, don't ever forget to take care of yourself. And, always remember that I love you.

I've been blessed to be loved by you. I love you, Elena Gilbert. I have loved you since the first day I saved your life and I will love you until the last day of mine. You're my best friend and you own my heart and soul.

Thank you for making me a better man.

With all my love,


A/N: Got a missing scene that you want me to write from this story? Please leave me a comment with an idea! :)

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