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August 26th. Charlotte, North Carolina.

Melanie's POV

It was the first day of tour and I felt as if I was going to vomit. I was of course excited to see fans but I was a bit nervous. I have performed many times before but I was always criticized for my originality. But I'm apparently not original enough because I'm continuously compared to other artists.

"Another one" I giggled, lifting my phone above my head to show Jacklyn a photo on my phone.

It was a photo of me and Marina.

Not a real one, but one where once again I am being compared to her.

"Do you ever wonder if they know you actually see this stuff" Jacklyn asked, fixing my wig as I sat on the bus floor.

I shrugged, applying a pinkish nude lipstick to my lips.

* * * * *

I stood beside the stage watching our opening band.

I think their name was twentyone Pilots? Not exactly sure.

But they had so much energy on stage. You could feel it from miles away.

I could see why they were so popular.

My main focus was on the drummer.

Couldn't really see his face under that mask but he for sure had a nice body.

The masks were very original and I don't know why I am not compared to them.

* * * * *

After the show the entire crew decided to go celebrate our first show of the cry baby tour at a nearby restaurant.

Since I was the only 20 year old I sat alone at a table while everyone else hung out at the bar.

I sipped on my apple juice while scrolling through my phone when a boy with blue hair sat in the seat across from me.

He smiled at me.

I attempted at smiling back but I was full of anxiety and was only capable of looking at him.

"What? No smile back?" He said raising an eyebrow.

I quickly got up, took my bag and walked outside and stood in front of the doorway.

I pulled out a cigarette and lighted it and began to smoke it.

The boy stood beside me, waving his hands to get rid of the smoke. "Sorry for being friendly"

I took the cigarette out of my mouth and threw it on the ground, pressing it against the concrete with my boot "did it ever occur to you that some people don't want to make friends" I grinned at him sarcastically.

"I just wanted to get to know the girl who made all this happen" he said smiling at me innocently.

I wasn't going to fall for this shit again. All the guys I've ever given a chance have all screwed me over.

"Real cheesy"

"Yes, cheesy. But the good kind of cheesy" he leaned against the wall beside me.

Has this guy ever heard of personal space?

"Okay look, if you don't know all the information to help out on this tour then why are you here? If you really want this job then I suggest you go ask one of the other crew members before you really piss me off." I crossed my arms.

I was being a brat, but honestly is this guy fucking serious?

"Okay uh, not to sound cocky but do you know who you're talking to?" He looked pissed.

A boy just a bit taller than him walked through the door and walked quickly over to us.

"hey Josh me and Jenna are gonna get going" he said giving the blue haired boy a slight smile.

"Okay Tyler, I'll be there in a sec"

How could I be so stupid.

"I should get going, but it was lovely meeting you" he was irritated.

"Wait" I said grabbing onto his arm gently.

He looked down at my hand in disgust.

"I'm sorry... I didn't know you were the band opening for me" I looked down. I could feel my eyes watering up. I was such an idiot.

"No it's my fault. I shouldn't have came on so strong. Just don't cry please" he smiled at me.

I looked up at him

He's kind of sweet when I'm not being an asshole.

"Could I possibly make it up to you some how?" I asked smiling widely at him. "What kind of things do you like"

"Well it's really hard to think of all the things I like. But I do really like chipotle, especially the tacos" he chuckled softly "Black beans... chicken AND steak... all of the meat... usually a little hot salsa, corn, cheese, lettuce, sour cream" his cheeks went from pale to a bright red.

I felt my cheeks do the same.

"I'll see what I can do" I smiled at him one last time before saying our goodbyes and heading to my tour bus.

I would have sweet dreams about a blue taco loving boy. And I did not want it to end.

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