Birthday, spent In the world of Hetalia.

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You woke up in an unfamilliar room. Have you been kidnapped?! In your very birthday? You look to the side to see your best friend sleeping peacefully. A sigh of relief escapes your mouth, atleast you have your bestfriend besides you.

Later on, your friend awoke and has a confuse face just like your ago. She/He turns at you and smiled.

Friend: Hey, (Y/N)! Happy Birthday!

How could your friend stay calm?!

You: We're kidnapped, in case you don't know..

Friend: Kidnapped?! Hahahaa!!

Now your friend thinks everything is funny.. you don't recall him/her being a bipolar though..

You: What's so funny?

Friend: We're not kidnapped dummy!! Hahaaa!! We are in the world of Hetalia!! Your favorite anime! Remember?

How's that possible? Inside of Hetalia?

Friend: It's possible! Now let's go! We only have one day in this world! By tomorrow we will be back to reality!

Oh I see, this is a present from (Best Friend's name). Not just a present but a once in a blue moon present.


Apparently, we are in England's streets with lots of people roaming around just like us. I wonder if we can meet even one Hetalia character here..

Friend: Oh!! Duddddeeee!!! I'm heree!! Heelllllppppp!!!

Your friend suddenly shouted. Why did she/he called for help? We're not in any trouble unless she/he expect Alfred running towards us- what the- there he is.

Alfred: The Hero is coming!!!

He shouted throughout the crowd and runs towards us.

Alfred: Well then, Why did you summoned the Hero here?!

Alfred looks energetic as ever.

Friend: Meet (Y/N)
(Best Friend's name) pointed at me as Alfred looks at me with his signature smile, all I could do is smile back.
: She/He's having his/her birthday today! Can you help us?!

Alfred: Of course! I am the Hero, afterall!

After the small conversation with Alfred we followed him because he said that he will introduce us to his fellow countries.

We arrived at his house and followed him at their meeting room.

???: Why did you run all of the sudden?! You idiot!!

???: They're fighting again, aru..

???: Unlike them I am more mature, ohonhon!

???: Ah! America-kun you're back? Da?

???: Pasta~

???: Since America is back let's continue our meeting.

???: I agree with Mr. Germany.

Alfred: NOOOOOO WAAAAIIIITTT GUYS! I have someone to introduce to you!

Arthur, Wang Yao, Francis, Ivan, Feliciano, Ludwig, Kiku and the other countries faced us.

Wang Yao: Aru! You are not suppose to bring normal people here! Aru!

Alfred: Just this once, please!

Ludwig: If it's logical then go ahead.

Alfred: This boy/girl here is celebrating his/her birthday!! And I want to celebrate with them along with you guys!!

Arthur: Wha-

Kiku: I agree with Mr. America..

Ludwig: I think it's logical..

Alfred: YEAH!!

0_0) is your current face. This will be the day you've been waiting for!!

Friend: Buh-bye (Y/N)!!
Then runs off to his/her favorite country.

"Well then, shall we go now? (Y/N)?" (Favorite counrty said). [Shall the great Prussia escort you, (Y/N)?]😂😂

《Try to imagine the things you want to do with them for the whole day like eating pasta, pancake covered in maple syrup, cuddling in bed, playing the hero, drinking tea, harvest tomato, or hang out with the great Prussia!》😂😂

The day ended, and you had fun.. So much fun. You wish this day would never end but saddly you and your friend has to go now...

"Bye (Y/N) and Happy Birthday!!" The countries greeted which made your smile grew wider. You didn't notice that tears of joy is starting to let go.

"Eh? Did we do something bad?" Feliciano asks worried. You shoom your head a no. And you smiled to them.

"I just wanna thank you all for this wonderful day! I love you guys so much!"

The clock bells signaling 12:00, you blocked out.

The next day you woke up in your bed and smiled.

~The End.

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