Chapter 1

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Mina's POV
    Hi! Before I'll forgot I'm Mina Myoui. 16 years old. A nerd.
    "Hi nerdy!!" Tzuyu and her squad, Lisa and SinB yelled. And she pushes me. I just get up and ignore them. "How dare you ignore us?! Who are you to ignore us!?" She slapped me. I just now my head. I walked going to our room and got to my seat.
    A few minutes later our teacher arrived. "Annyeonghaseyo!!" We all greeted. She also greeted us.
    "Today we're going to have a test about our lesson and also advanced lesson of you all really have own study" she announced. Luckily, I study advanced lessons. I hope I'll not fail. Our teacher start to distribute the questionnaire and the answer sheets.
    I look at the questionnaire. Woah such a piece of cake. I know all of this. I start answering. I just answer it in just 20 minutes. I pass my answer sheet to my teacher and I was allowed to take recess early. I go out of the room.
    While walking a guy came near me. "Annyeong Mina can I be your suitor?" He asked.
    "What?! Don't make a funny scenario" I chuckled.
    "Promise I'll do anything for you, by the way I'm Mark" he introduced.
    "Don't care of your name is Mark" I said sarcastically. And left him.
     I go home. I went to my room. I'm bored so I just read book. And I'm still thinking about what does that Mark have said. "Is he joking?!"
    "Ah Mina don't fool yourself!!" I yelled. I get my phone and message my sibling.
To: Momo
    Hi Momo!!! How are you guys there in Thailand?? I miss you all.
    Not no respond maybe she's in school. We're soon to graduate we only have 4 months. I'll continue my studies in Thailand.
    I sleep because it's late. I woke up early to hot to school. I take a bath and after, I wear my uniform. I go to the kitchen to eat breakfast. I went to the bus stop and I rode on the bus. Finally, I arrived I went to my locker. There is a note there I read it.
From: Mark
    Hi my Mina!!! I'll take you home later. Wait for me at the lobby of the school. Miss you.
    "Is he a crazy or a addict" I thought and crumple the paper where the note is written. And I throw it in the trash can.
    I walk going to our room. I walk to my seat. And sit there while reading my Science Book. Suddenly, our teacher arrived. "Annyeonghaseyo!" We all greeted.
    "Annyeong I'm going to announce the new grouping" Mr. Kim said. "Group 1 your leader is Mina. Mina your members are Hyungwon, Jungkook, Taeyeon, and Nayeon. Group 2......"
    Wut?! Why me? I don't wanna be a leader. Why with them? It's ok if with Nayeon since she's my friend, tss but why with the others.
    "Your first project for each group is a PowerPoint presentation. I'll just give the topic later." Mr. Kim said. He start the discussion. Before the bell ring each topic was announced. Well our topic is easy.
     "Guys we're going to prepare the presentation tomorrow since we don't have class. Let's meet at the cafeteria near the school at 9 o'clock in the morning" I announced.
    "Ne!!" Nayeon said. "Lets eat together" the bell ring.
    "Yeah let's go" I said and we leave the room together. An hour later, I was walking alone going back in my room. Suddenly, my phone rings. Momo is calling me.
Me: Wae Momo unnie??
Momo: You need to be here at Thailand for 3 days
Me: But when? And why?
Momo: The day after tomorrow
Me: Wut?! Why it's so fast. Is it important
Momo: Just then buy ticket
Me: I don't think it's important
Momo: I'm mad at you. It's very important its my graduation you forget
Me: Yah! Yah! Sorry I remember it.
Momo: Tsss, I hate you. Bye
    She ended the call. I continue walking. After 2 subjects the bell rings. It's dismissal. I'll go home early.
    While walking. Mark blocked my way. "What do you want you bastard!" I yelled.
    "I'll take you home as I said at the note" he said.




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