Chapter 2

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Still Mina's POV
   "What the....don't fool me around" I said and push him. Suddenly, he kissed me.

Mark's POV
   I kissed her. But it was just a bet, a dad to make her fall in love with me till the graduation. If she says she love me the dare is over. I will not fall in love with a type of girl like her.
   But in that kiss. I feel the loneliness of her. I pulled off the kiss. My conscience is attacking me. I can feel her sadness.
   Suddenly she slapped me. "What was that for? I hate you!!!" She shouted and walk away.

Back to Mina's POV
    I really hate him. A play boy stole my first kiss. I'm going to kill him. How dare he.
    Because of madness I go in  the cafeteria first to cool myself. While sitting, a guy sit beside me.
   "Hey!" He greeted. "Alone?" He asked. "I'm Bambam. Kunpimook Bhuwakul is my real name. How about you?"
   "Annyeong Mina ibnida" I introduced myself and smile at him. We have a long conversation.
    "Sorry Bambam but I think I need to go" I said.
    "Can I get your number? You know, so we can talk" he said doing aegyo.
    "Aigoo don't do that you become more cute" I gave him my phone number.
   I leave the cafeteria. I rode the bus going home.

Bambam's POV

    She's kind. We have many common. Her family is living at Thailand, my family is also living at Thailand. What a coincident. She's a good friend.
    I watch her as he leave the cafeteria. She's pretty inside and outside, but she hide it. I love her. She's perfect. She's cute, smart, jocose.
    I think I really like the way she is, on how she is.

Mina's POV

   I arrived in my house, my phone vibrates. Someone messaged me I hope its Bammie. I look for it.

From: Unknown Sender
   Hey! Mark ibnida. Mianhae for what just happen earlier. This is my mobile number. I'll wait for your reply as a response of you really forgive me.

  Do I need to reply? What should I say? Ugh what should I say?

To: Mark the fuckboy
   Ne Annyeong! Forget about it I already forgive you.

   I reply. Suddenly, he call me. "Tsk. Do I need to answer?" I asked to myself. I answered.

Me: Wae?
Mark: Just nothing
Me: Huh don't waste your time
Mark: Are you free tomorrow? We don't have class.
Me: Nope
Mark: Wae?!
Me: We have a group project we'll do it tomorrow
Mark: I'll go with you
Me: Aniyo I don't wanna see you. I'm very busy
Mark: But wae? What if when your done doing it?
Me: Uhm
     I turned of the call. Suddenly Bambam call me. I answer it.

Me: Hey Bammie why you call me?
Bambam: I'm going to Thailand for three days
Me: me too I'll be there next week also for three days because my sister is going to graduate college.
Bambam: me too my sister is also graduating but not college. She's graduating grade school.
Me: Ah I see what if we go there together
Bambam: Yeah great idea. Let's buy tickets tomorrow
Me: But I'll have to meet my classmates tomorrow we're going to prepare our project.
Bambam: After you'll prepare that I know you're free
Me: Ne! I just message you the time

    I didn't know he ended the call and I call Mark again.

Me: Bye Bammie see you tomorrow after I'll meet my groupmates.
Mark: You didn't have a classmate named Bammie. And I thought you're busy. Bammie huh?😭
Me: Tsk bye!!!!

    I turned off the call. "This could be fun. A trip with Bammie" I thought

Author's Note

Guys I decided to update this today since I'm not that busy. And before I forgot.


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