I'm here always.

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Macks pov.

Severide couldn't hide it. I've gotten to know him too well.

"I think we'll give you two some time." Gabby said nudging Antonio.

"Ok. Bye guys." I said. The waved back.

Kelly and I sat there for a few minutes before any of us said anything.

"Kelly what's wrong?" I asked.

"Nothing is wrong. I'm happy your ok." Kelly said.

"Kelly I got shot. In the shoulder nothing major." I argued.

"You lost a lot of blood Mack. You could of died!" He yelled.

"Kelly I didn't die. Because of you. You pinched my artery to stop it." I said.

"I was upset that I would of lost you. Do you remember when you saw me looking at a plaque?" He asked. I nodded.

"That was my best friend Leslie Shay. She died 2 years ago. After her death nothing went right for me. When you were shot, and all that blood...god I thought I didn't notice you in time . And I thought I was going to loose you." He said.

"Baby you will never loose me. I'm here always." I said.

Severides pov.

There it was that broke me. That little word. Always. It brought back to many memories. Shay made a video of us. Our motto is Always. I miss her. But I got Mack. Mack is amazing, beautiful,fearless,and brave.I could of never dated Shay because she was gay.

"Hello...Severide...you ok?"Mack asked.

"Ya. I'm fine. You remind me of Shay. I love you beautiful." I said.

"I love you too." She said.

"Get some rest you need it." I said.

"Ok. Goodnight."

"Goodnight." I replied.

Later that night.

Authors pov.

Later that night Kelly fell asleep beside Mack in the hospital chair. He was awoken by alarms. He jumped to his feet to find Mack having a seizure. Dr.Rhodes came running in with a few nurses. They helped her stop seizing.

Severides pov.

"Oh god. No." I said.

"She going to have to stay longer to see what caused this." Dr. Rhodes said.

"Alright." I replied. I had to call Gabby.

On phone with Gabby

"Kelly?" She said. Tiredly.

"Hey Gabby sorry to wake you. It's...uh Mack." I said.

"What happened?!" I could hear her get up.

"She had a seizure. They helped to stop the seizing." I said. I was upset.

"I'm on my way." She said. She hung up.

Off phone

I'm scared. I'm scared that she's gonna seize again. But maybe the next time it would be worst than the first. To the point I'll loose her. I started crying.

Not to long later Antonio and Gabby came in. They could tell I was crying because my eyes were red and puffy. Gabby pulled me into a hug.

"It's going to be ok. She's going to be ok." Gabby said.

"Remember what I told you earlier. She's a Dawson she'll pull through." Antonio said. I nodded my head. They fell asleep at the hospital with me. The next morning they both had to leave. Capp was going to be Lieutenant while I'm out with Mack.

She woke up looking around confused.

"W-where am I?" She asked. I don't think she saw me cause I startled her.

"Your still at the hospital beautiful." I said.

"I-I thought I left." She said.

"I almost lost you again."

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