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After that shift I called the doctors office to schedule an appointment. I made it a day that both Kelly and I are off. I'm glad Kelly and I can start a family,but I'm also nervous and scared. I wasn't planning on having kids for awhile,but I can't predict my future.

I walked in and Boden called me to his office. I walked in and closed the door behind me.

"You wanted to talk chief."

"Yes, you can go on calls but I will not advise you to go into a burning building you will stay by my side."

"Yes sir."

"That is all. You are dismissed." I nodded and walked out. I hate having to sit out but it's for a good reason. Something's I might be able to help out with.

"Squad 3, truck 81, ambulance 61,battalion 25. 3 car pile up."

I'm so not ready for this day. We hopped into the trucks and drove off. I did as chief told me and stood by him. I hate being on the side lines, but I don't want to put  the baby in danger.

"Hey chief who caused the accident?" I asked.

"I don't know. Who ever caused it bolted."

"Well there's a man standing over there. He looks a little weary."

"Call Antonio get him down here."

"Yes sir." I walked back near his car and called Antonio. About 10 minutes later Antonio rolled up.

"What's up?"

"So the driver of the vehicle that caused the accident bolted. I spotted a man standing over there. He looks weary."

"I'll go talk to him."


"No problem." As Antonio started to approach the man,the man realized what was going on. He bolted towards me. He avoided Antonio and came after me. He tackled me and punched my face.

"You ass hole. Calling the cops on me!"

"Get the hell off." I rolled over to where I was on top off him.Antonio,Boden,and Kelly came rushing over.

"Let's go buddy." Antonio said. He put him in the back of his car and took him back to the district. I laid on my back catching my breath.

"Hun... you ok?" Kelly asked.

"Yea I'm... I'm good."

"Come on let's go put some ice on that eye." He said pulling me up. He led me over to the ambo where Sylvie gave me a bag of ice. They finished up and we headed back. No one said word on the way back. I put my head on the window and closed my eyes.

Severides pov

We arrived at the fire house, and I turn around to a sleeping Mack.

"Hey guys don't touch her I'll get her." I whispered. They all nodded. I got out of my gear and walked to the side that Mack was on. I slowly lifted her up and took her to my office to sleep.

After about 15 minutes later Mack comes out to to the squad table confused.

"Hey Kelly, can you tell me why I woke up in your bed. With my gear on?"

"You fell asleep on the way back. I didn't want to wake you."

"Ok. I'm-" she stopped talking. She covered her mouth and ran to the bathroom. I ran after her so did Dawson. Everyone gave us weird looks.

"Mack. Baby what's wrong?"

"Severide, get common sense. She's throwing up because of her pregnancy. Go in there." I walk in and head towards her. I rub circles around her back and pull back her hair.

"It's ok. Your ok." After a few minutes she was feeling better.

We took her gear off and headed to the squad table.

"You feeling better Mack?" Capp asked.

"Yea thanks." He nodded his head. I pulled her somewhere private.

"Are you going to be ok until shift ends which is through tomorrow."

"Kelly I'll be fine."


"Truck 81,squad 3,ambulance 61. House fire 554 franklin road."

We loaded up and headed out. As we arrived Kelly and Casey started barking orders. As told I stayed on the sidelines.

The smoke started to turn black. That's not good. Boden yelled over the radio.

"Severide, Casey, Otis out now!"

"Casey and I are coming." Otis said. Where's Kelly?

"Severide report." Nothing.

"Severide REPORT!!"


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