Chapter 3

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A/N: Hey guys How are you liking it so far? I know it is sort of cheesey at the moment but it isn't your classic good girl likes bad guy theme. Just please be patient because this is my first fanfic so if I can improve at all please message me. If you see the"28th" it means "with" my autocorrect is crappy so please comment and vote!

I walk into the school and vee line to my locker because I forgot my math and finances homework in my locker. I put in my combination as Harry walks up to his. I get it open and something falls out into my foot. It was a charm bracelet with a California charm on it. There was a note attatched that said:
Dear Emma, you are a bright light in the dark world. You are extraordinary. The first charm represents your past. Everyone has a past, but I want to put both yours and mine behind us, I just don't want you to forget where you came from because when you find out who I am you may not want to be with me, but you can Just look my way and I can't help but smile. I will reveal one letter of my name each note I give. -H
Oh my Gosh! That is so sweet. I wonder who gave It to me. There is only about a hundred names that start with 'H' in this school. I try to hook the bracelet around my wrist, but fail and need help. "Harry, can you put this bracelet around my wrist please. I can't do it left handed." he grabs the bracelet and wraps it around my wrist and buckles it. "There Cali girl. We got about ran minutes till class starts so you want to get to know each other better? I'll start. I'm 18 years old, I enjoy eating and music, I love to sing and I would like to take you out on a date this Friday at seven." He smiles. "I'm 17 years old, I enjoy eating and music also, and I love to sing and talk, and I accept your date for this Friday at seven." I repeat almost the same exact words that he said. At this point I am convinced that the charm braclet is from Harry. The eat he asked me out was about the most clever way I could have imagined. "Lets go stand outside the door so we can get the good seats in the back." he says and I laugh. I follow behind him mainly because I want the seat next to his. "Cali girl. I mean Emma, how are you liking this place so far?" He turns around when we get to the door. "A whole lot better now that you are being nice today, but it is a big change. I lived in several big cities in California so this was a huge change going from school until lunch, mall till six, eat by  nine, bed by eleven. So." I laughed when I saw his expression. "You actually had a schedule? Wow Emma you really are a girl aren't you?" he smiles. "Well I would hope so. It helped my dad know where I was so he could keep up with me for emergencies. Now I go to school and come home and eat and text my best friend Becca in California." I smile back. "Becca, oh God, there are more of you?" he said sarcastically. "I can only handle one of you for now." he hugged me from the side. "I think you would like her. She's like me. She copies my style so she can stay cool I guess. But her personality rocks!" I let go of the hug. He was so warm. Well that was A wired thing to say. "You're cold. Do you want my jacket or something?" he takes off his leather jacket and hands it to me. Yeah He gave me the bracelet. "Nice bracelet by the way. Who got it for you?" he wanted me to ask if it was him. "I don't know exactly, it was in my locker this morning. It came with a note I think I may know who it is though, but I'm not going to tell you until I am absolutely positive about who it is." I shrugged on his jacket. As we walked in the door Liz have me a thumbs up. We made our way to the back corner and sat down beside each other. "So about Friday, what kind of things are you into? Like movie wise." He asks. "I don't know. Superise me. I never know what to decide so you pick."

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