Chapter 1

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My stupid alarm clock woke me up at five thirty as I commanded the night before. I got in the shower and washed my hair really quickly as well as my body. I applied my usual ammount of make-up as I finished blow drying my hair I hear a loud pounding on the bathroom door. "Emma! Hurry up! U have to pee so bad and dad won't let me use his bathroom! You've been in there for like ever! PLEASE hurry!" my little sister, Storm, demanded. I opened the door and headed into my room replying with a sisterly response of "Here twerp. I'm done anyways."
    I walk down stairs to eat breakfast after picking out the perfect outfit for my first day of a new school on senior year. I am so glad that dad said that he wouldn't let us move again until Storm graduated in five years. "Morning daddy. Sleep well?" I ask as I hug his neck and kiss his cheek. He doesn't usually show favoritism around is but any other adult can tell you that in the favorite. Storm is getting into the teenager phase with all the attitude problems, but right now I get whatever I want. Except a car. I walk to school every morning.  I leave dad a note at the door every morning telling him my plans for the day so he won't question me and blow up my phone.
   As I walk out the door this black Cadillac rolls by the driveway. That's a nice car. I walk about a half mile to school for my first day. "Hey, you must be new. I'm Elizabeth Hayes. My friends call me Eliza, what's yours?" she held out her hand to freer Me properly. "My name is Emma Hannover. My family just moved here from southern California." I shook her hand. "Oh it looks like we have a Cali girl in Seattle." a British accent speaks from behind me. "Anyways, welcome to HomesChurch, if you need any help I would be glad to help." she shoots the guy 28th long curly Brown hair and emerald green eyes a glare. "Yeah of you could direct me to locker 374 that would be great." I laugh being completely clueless sucks.

I walk with Eliza to my locker and low and behold the same guy that called me a 'Cali girl' is opening his locker which is directly beside mine. Greeaatt. "Oh what a pleasure. I get to see the Cali girl every morning before class... Oh and be on the lookout, maybe for some friends. Because I'm sure not one of them Prep." he said sarcastically. "Whatever. What walked me a prep anyways in your book? Is it because I dress better than most people here, or is it because I'm a quote unquote Cali girl? And uh I will have all the friends I need by the end of the  week, thank you." I snap back. I don't take crap from anybody. "Yes the Cali girl makes you automatically a prep and good luck with finding friends when the only one you have is one of the biggest nerds in school. Oh and sorry princess but we don't have a Starbucks in HomesChurch." he slammed his locker shut and stalked off.
  I put in the combination for my locker and couldn't help but ask " Does he have a girlfriend? He's kind of hot." I ask Eliza. "Girlfriend, yeah right. He is so scared of commitment that he just plays and leaves. He's one of those players. You can call me Liz if you want btw." she spoke with such a stern tone, almost like she was chastising me. "Where u come from, Liz, We call that a fuck boy. What are you starring at?" I look over to see the guy that insulted me several times making out with a blonde beside the water fountain. That's disgusting. Yet I wish I was in her position. He was the definition of talk dark and dangerous. "Oh, I see. What's his name?" I wonder out loud. "Harry. Harry Styles. The hottest guy in school and look here comes his minions, Naill, Louis, Zayn, and Liam. They are allso hot. I wish they weren't so perfect so normal people could be able to talk to them." she admits and I completely agree they were all seemingly flawless. "They're just guys. Watch I'll go talk to Niall right now." I walk over to the attractive blonde. What am I about to do?
"Hi. I'm new here. My name is Emma." I put on a smile when I am actually am terrified. " hi. I'm Niall and this is Louis, Zayn, and Liam. They are my best mates. Where did you move here from?" he asks before I can say anything a voice from behind me says "California. We got us a Cali girl." He laughs. "She's not worth it guys. She's just a Cali prep, Starbucks loving, fashion designing, prep." he stands with the  other guys. "How dare you say that about me! You don't even know me! All you know is that I'm from California, hell  I bet you don't even know my name! So until you take the time to actually get to know me, keep your little comments to yourself, m'kay?" I went Cali on him. "Damn. She told you Styles. So Emma what city in California?" Liam smiles. "L.A.. It was actually okay except you don't want to go to the hood. So anyways Harry I don't appreciate your stereotypes. The bell's about to ring, bye guys. I hope we can talk more later Niall." I walk off satisfied before They could even say anything. That's the way to leave someone hanging. On my way to First block, Liz caught up to me and said "THAT WAS AMAZING! You didn't even seem nervous and when you popped off on Harry I almost died! I'll see you later kay? That's the class you need to be in. Bye bestie!" I walked into the classroom and the first person I see is Harry in the back row. Great.

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