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Coming to Rei's palace all seemed like a beautiful, magical dream. Noel looked around in awe, as he got down from the carriage. Everything about the palace was elysian. The palace looked like it was made of pure ice. Noel held on to Rei's arm to stop himself from falling. "It is so..." He looked at Rei at a loss for words. Re smirked, "I know. Its made on top of a frozen sea. Prevents humans from venturing." He said and walked inside the palace with Noel. "It is a little chilly outside, but inside the castle," No sooner had Rei said this than Noel was hit by a warm feeling. "Its so warm in here! Reminds me of home." Noel exclaimed as Rei nodded. "I thought you would like some warmth. The cold can be agonizing." He said opened his clenched fist only to let out a stray snowflake. "But any weather, any place, anything is fine, as long as its with you Rei." Noel said and smiled lovingly. Rei gulped looking at him. Never had he felt such immense, overflowing love from anyone, and with every passing moment, Noel surprised him even more. "Won't the castle melt? It is made of ice, right?" He asked curiously, to which Rei just smirked. "Just a little bit of magic does the work, you know." He said and winked. "Its wonderful." Noel muttered. "Let us see the entire castle now shall we?" Noel smiled and nodded cheerfully. After all, any place was home as long as they were together.

"So this means elves work for you? I thought elves worked for Father Chirstmas." Noel said and smiled at the little elves running around the palace. "Well, they are helpful and its a big palace after all." Rei said and smiled. "What else is there to see?" Noel asked. Rei looked at him, "Let's go see my sanctuary then." Noel nodded eagerly. "What is that?" Noel asked curiously. "A place where I keep different creatures." He said and then opened two give doors. Noel gasped when he saw the sight in from if him.  I seemed like they were in 'Winter Wonderland. "Are those, fairies?" Noel asked looking at the little silver things flying around. "Yes. Look carefully." Rei said pushed him a little forward. Noel walked slowly looking around. "Rei! Rei!' He called out quickly. Rei ran beside him. "What's wrong?" Rei asked and kept a hand on his head. Noel smiled and then pointed to the little white fox. "That is a fox. I am sure you know that much." Rei teased him. Noel looked at Rei stuck his tongue out and then ran away laughing. Rei followed him smiling to himself.
If everyday meant looking at his face and loving him, even this glass palace didn't seem so big enough asit did in the past. Rei finally caught up with Noel and caught him. "Rei?" Noel said and looked at him. "Didn't you get lonely, all alone in this castle?" He asked. Rei looked up to the ceiling and sighed.
"Yes. I did. But doesn't everyone?"


It was night when Rei and Noel were in one of the balcony's of the palace. "I suppose, its about to be time." Rei mumbled then clicked his fingers. The elves walked up to the balcony spread a mat and brought some things to eat. Noel smiled looking at the arrangement then went and sat pulling Rei with him. The two of them sat down, close to each other, content.
"What is it Rei?" He asked and looked at him. "Just have some patience, Noel." He said and kissed Noel's forehead lovingly. Noel nodded blushing. He wasn't used to someone loving him so much, not had he loved anyone so much before. Rei took off his grey fur coat that he always had on, and wrapped thee around both of them, ushering Noel to come even closer.
And then it began. The sky was filled with lights, the colours like that of a spectrum's. "Aurora Lights." Rei said as Noel looked up in awe. Noel nodded but was to shocked to say anything. "Do you like it?" Rei asked then looked at Noel. Noel looked at him and smiled. "Yes. I love it." He said.
Rei put a hand on his waist, they fur still wrapped around them.
Noel looked at him. Rei moved in closer to Noel. Noel's breath hitched and then their lips touched. Rei's lips were ghostly, cold and gentle and Noel was just warm and felt like home. Both felt their hearts mending, just to get used to each other. Slowly Noel pulled away and  hugged Rei. Rei kept him close, gently kissed his neck.
'I think this is all a dream, and I'm sure I will wake up to a cold reality again. Until then...'


"Get us Rei!" Noel shouted from his hiding spot, seeing that Noel was very bad in a simple game of Hide and Seek. 'What are you? Ten?' A voice in Noel's head seemed to chide but then again another voice said, 'Who cares?' They had gathered all the elves and were playing in the entire castle. Rei was 'it' and heavens knew he was a bad one. Fifteen minutes and he could not find a single person. Not even the dumbest elf. Noel walked out of his hiding spot and ran quietly to another place. The elves giggled looking at him. 'Shhh..' He mouthed a finger on his lips.
He went to Rei's and his shared room and got inside the huge closet.
Rei was frustrated because he couldn't find anyone. 'How tough can a human game be?' He had thought earlier and now, he was willing to take his words back. He looked around and sighed. No one was in sight. "Fine everyone! I give up!" He shouted and looked around.
Noel ran to him giggling and laughing. "Oh Rei!" He said and hugged the taller. "You are horrible in this game!" The elves giggled as well and looked at their King. Rei glared at them and they instantly ran away. "I'm not human after all." Rei said and smiled at Noel.
"You are much better." Noel said and kissed him lightly.
Rei smiled. There wasn't anything else he wanted now.


Weeks went by living together, and Noel's sickness was sudden. At  present, they were both in the room and Noel was on the bed sleeping. He had been sick for three days now, and no magic seemed to rid him of this ailment. Rei had called the best healers of the magical world but no one knew what the cause of the sickness was. It was not fever, nor was it any other disease of sorts.
"Noel..." He whispered and ran a hand down Noel's hair.
Rei walked out of the room then went straight to his royal chambers. He went to the center and looked around.
Snow swirled him as he looked around. "After such a long time, Your Majesty." A voice whispered.
It was the chamber of his snow spirits. "Tell me what happened to Noel." He asked. The voices whispered and moved.
"He's a human, Prince. A human." They whispered.
"Each kiss, each touch was like venom to him." He looked at the spirits. "So he will, die when the time comes?" He asked the spirits. "Yes." They answered in unison.
"How Do I save him?"

"Rei." Noel called out opening his eyes. "Noel." He heard and felt himself being lifted up. "Rei?" He asked and hugged him. "You will be alright, snowflake." He said and brought him close. Noel looked at him and fell asleep again.
He woke up after some hours. "Where are we?" He asked rubbing his eyes. Rei smiled looking at him. Noel looked around and realized where they were. "Why are we here Rei?" He asked. Rei looked at him then hugged him.
"I love you Noel." He whispered and then looked at him.
"What's wrong Rei?"
"I'm killing you, and I don't know what will happen if you are not here." He said and touched his cheek. Noel looked down. "Just like the legend." He whispered and tears cascaded down his cheek.
"So will you leave me?" Noel asked still looking down. Rei nodded and held his hand. "Come here." He said and pulled Noel close.
He started humming the lullaby Noel had sung. Noel looked at him. They danced slowly as every moment together went slipping through their fingers.
The winds became their melody, the swaying of the trees their harmony. Slowly they stopped and stared at each other.
"Will I forget you?" Noel asked.
"Don't worry. I'll always be there. Each winter, when the snow falls."
Noel looked at him then smiled. "I love you. For eons and eons." He said and smiled beautifully.
"I promise you Noel. Somewhere, in another world in another life, we will be together. I love you, for the eternities to come." He whispered and came close to him.
Snow swirled against them as Rei slowly brought himself close to Noel.
Their lips touched and everything became white.
"I love you," he whispered and the world darkened for Noel.


The townsfolk found Noel on top of a frozen lake. Everyone had forgotten about  Noel and the white haired boy. Noel didn't remember anything, except the fact that he had a snowflake necklace.
He couldn't recall anything, except snow and a man.
All the townsmen rejoiced and celebrated at the arrival pf spring. It was a time of joy and happiness. Only, a strange wistfulness overcame Noel when he saw the snow melt.

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