In which he needs to go

117 11 7

Ding dong.

The bell rung while I was taming the wild mess of my hair and it irked me when I realized I'll have to grab a hijab to get the door. While I come back my locks will assume another quadrilateral. Yay life.

Which reminds me that if it was my dear brother at the door I'd leave him a whooping or two for eating my fries.

While I grumbled about my unforgotten fries I reached for the door. However to my utter disappointment, it was not quite the male species I was looking for that stood in front of me. Nevertheless, male species were a disappointment anyway.

He looked around my brother's age but tall, like impressively tall, dark hair and light eyes. He looked at me like he didn't expect to see me in the least.

"Why hello there, you must be looking for Hamza? He's not here you see. So you may get going." I managed my best smile but I always, and I mean always sound and look sarcastic no matter how hard I try.

The poor male species looked amused. He had his lips slightly parted before saying,

"O-okay, yeah. Cool."

"Alright then. Salam" I tried closing back the door but not before he wedged his leg in between stopping me from doing so.

My mind immediately went to my hijab pins. Oh yes get ready for the wrath of-

"Actually my brother wanted to use the washroom real quick. If you don't mind?"

"Who are you? Do you know Hamza? What does he look like?" I hurried.

He paused for a moment before he made a sound.

What was that? A chuckle? Male species were capable of that? Why did he sound like a dying duck.

I needed to stop.

"Sheesh. You are smart aren't you. I know Hamza, I'm sure he tells you a lot about me. I'm Ayyan. You must be Hadiyya."

Before I could respond and tell the male species I approve of him..

"I'm sorry my brother will just use the washroom real quick."

"Sure but-" I was half way done with my sentence when a hulk like presence entered my vicinity. Yes, my 'vicinity'.

"What the..."

He walked in with long strides. We'll call him male species no.2.

Male species no.2 did not look like he wanted to take a pee. Male species no.2 walked like he was going for some movie premiere. Male species no.2 did not know where the washroom is and so henceforth he turned around.

"Are you gonna tell me where it is?"

Male species no.2 was....beautiful.

"To- to your right?"

He turned back and walked away to his destination.

Male species no.2 had no manners.

Ayyan turned to me. "I'm sorry if I scared you back there, you see my brother's a little short of-"

"Diyyaaaaa!!!" And that was my brother.

"Diya! Haven't I asked you not to have my cupcake?! It's MY cupcake for heaven's sake"

"Should've thought about that while having my fries." I snapped.

"I- oh! Ayyan..."

"WHY DIDN'T YOU GUYS SHOW UP AT THE GROUND?" He yelled after he got out of the trance of seeing his good friend at home.

Ayyan flinched and started to explain. All cupcake and fries forgotten I zoned out and found the lamp in front of us really interesting, until Ayyan's finger was directed at me.

"You didn't have to lie." My brother eyed me.


"You said he wasn't here" Ayyan claimed.

"Huh? How was I supposed to know you weren't at home? You should either tell me or announce your presence by making audible noises or whatever it is you male species do." I huffed.

"Why do you use that word so much-" He said louder

"Why do you yell so much?"

"Because I can."

"Oh oh young man. Speak respectfully, I'm elder to you." I mocked him.

"Diya." He warned.

"We need to leave." Said the voice.

"Yes brother." Ayyan replied.

Are you serious? Who does he think he is?

"So.." My brother cleared his throat, "are we still playing?" He sounded damn unsure of himself too.

"Yes and make it fast. I have places to be." I disliked him immediately. Just who was he?

He was annoying. Annoyingly gorgeous. With annoyingly bright grey eyes and dark hair. An annoying 6 feet of impressive height and annoyingly taut muscles that came out of his tight t-shirt.

Nothing was more annoying than his perfectly sculpted face. Just how can someone be so perfect?

What? You tend to look at the person who speaks. Don't you?

My brother was up, ready, and down in minutes.

"Oh and guys, this is my elder sister Hadiyya and Hadiyya, meet my friend Ayyan and his brother Adeel."

I smiled at Ayyan, a genuine smile. He returned it.

"Oh I know her." Adeel had a partially amused partially unreadable look on his face.

"Do you?" I challenged.

Then it hit me. He just said he KNEW me. This guy knew me!

He doesn't look like the type who jokes.

"H-how?" I. I, Hadiyya Zakir has stuttered for the second time in front of a male specimen.

His lips twitched and he looked a little more amused than before, reading my facial expression.

"Let's just leave that unanswered shall we?"

And he walked off.

What! How can he just walk off!

Who the hell is he!

And why is he so good looking.

Shut. Up.

Way to have a great weekend isn't it? People always have to ruin it for me.

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