Jenny's pov

I wake up in a room. It's a completely different one. It's very cold in here. I look around and it's nothing but white walls. There is a heart motor next to me. I take the pads off my chest and throw them in the ground. The thing does flat lined. I stand up and try the door. It's locked. I pound on the door. " Let me out you sicko's!!!" I scream. " Step the fuck back!" Someone yells from the other side of the door. It sounds like Dylan. I step back and the door opens. He comes in and I slip under his arm and I dart. We are in that same room they put me in. I open the door and I am in the main part of the house again. I see she front door and I run toward it. I open it and run. Shit I'm starting to feel dizzy. I trip over my feet a little bit. I stagger and I fall to the ground hard. I turn my head toward the house and I see Nick and Dylan chasing after me. I'm on the street they have a very long driveway.

I stand up and start running again, but I don't make it two feet when I fall back down again. Nick grabs my arm and pulls me up. " I drugged you when you darted past me" says Dylan. " why can't you just let me go?" I asked annoyed. " Because you are fun to play with" Dylan laughs. Nick puts me over his shoulder and Dylan smacks my ass.

I pass out.

I wake up in a different room and I'm tied down this time. Grant comes in and sits on my bed. " We are going somewhere , you are coming with" grant says. " If you say anything to anybody , we will shoot you right in the head." I put my hands up " wow I'm so scared oh no" I say and laugh. Grant just rolls his eyes. " If you let me go , I promise I won't say anything" I say.

" I mean we could erase your memory, but you are so fun so play with" grant says. My feet aren't tied down. Grant is close enough so I kick him right in the nose and there is a crack. Shit hahaha I broke his nose. He just stands up and leaves. Blood drops to the floor.

30 minutes later and Nick comes into the room. " Put these on , we are leaving in 10 min". He unties me and I stand up. I grab the clothes and put them on. I wash my foot off since there is blood on it when I kicked grant. I put my hair in a pony tail. I have no clue how long I've been here. I haven't taken a shower since I've been here. I smell my hair and it smells like I just washed it. They bathed me!! I'm gonna kill them. They saw me fucking naked ugh!! I go downstairs and all 3 of them are waiting for me.

Okay sorry this was just a filler chapter next chapter will be more interesting. I don't know if I mentioned this. I'm too lazy to check, but Nick is Nick Robinson and Dylan is Dylan o'brien!

Today is my last exam for high school! Ahhh!! Okay bye hahaha

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