Jenny's pov

I woke up tied to a bed. Damn they got those real hospital restraints and not those handcuffs or whatever you see in movies or whatever. I look around and I see someone sitting on a chair in the dark. Okay not creepy at all.

"Well , glad you are awake Jenny , now will you be good so I can untie you?" He asked. It seems like Grant , he comes out of the shadow's and it is Grant. "So will you be good?" He asked once more. I shake my yes and he comes and undo the restraints. I sit up and dangle my feet off the bed. "So I guess I'm never leaving?" I ask. "Yes, you are never leaving" he smirks and sits next to me. "Wanna play a little game?" He asked. "Depends.."I say unsure of what he is talking about.  I am not about to fall for those tricks.

" I'll explain it , you have to come to a bank robbery with us tomorrow and you have to kill at least 1 person , if not then no food for 2 days. " Grant smirks. "Hell , no I would never kill any person who hasn't done anything wrong, I'm not a sociopath like you!" I yell standing up and leave the room.

I hear foot steps behind me while I go down the stairs. He grabs my wrist and hanks me back. I lose my step so I trip and fall down the stairs. Grant just laughs , I stand up and act like it never happen. You know what I'm going to ignore Grant and act like he doesn't exist and that goes for Nick and Dylan also.

I open the fridge and I grab a pudding cup. I see that Nick is in the kitchen also cutting up something. Looks like a apple. "Hey Jenny how are you doing?" He asked. I just ignored him and I left the kitchen and now I am heading backstairs to the room I was in originally.

I heard someone running up the stairs and Nick slammed up my door and he still had the knife in his hand. He comes over to me and puts the knife to my throat and lays me back onto the bed. "Never ignore me like that ever again when I talk to you" He hisses.

I just laugh at his stupidity. He then slaps me and then he is thrown off me and lands on the floor and Grant is standing there. He holds out his hand and I deny it.

I finish my pudding up and stare at the blank boring white wall and think about my life and how far I have become also thinking of a escape plan.

I wonder if I agree to do Grant's little game and I go to the bank robbery with them and tell someone they kidnapped me and get my ass out of there. Have the cops come and blah blah. or maybe just run away when they aren't looking.

I come out of my daze and I notice Grant still standing there. He is waving his hand in front of my face."Jenny??" Grant said. I looked at him confused. "Are you going to play the game or not?" he asked. I sit there and think for a min.

Do I really want to risk my entire life on one stupid thing or not eat for 2 days. I love food but I hate violence. "Yes I'll play your stupid idiotic game" I say and lay down and go in the covers and I take a nap and Grant sits down on the bed. He touch's my arm and then gets up and leaves the room. I soon fall asleep hopefully tomorrow goes by quickly.

Sociopath // Grant gustinWhere stories live. Discover now