Jenny's pov

There are now a lot of cops around me. Trying to get information out of me like 'Where is the house you were in?' ' How old they are' and many other things. I forgot to look at the address because I'm an idiot.

" Can you tell us your surroundings when you were running here?" One of the cops ask. " No , I'm sorry , I should have been looking , but I just has true tunnel vision" I say and I put my head down and I look at my lap.

" It's okay, we will try to look at traffic cams to see if we see you on there and find out where you came from" a lady cops says and then leaves and goes to her office.

" May I use the bathroom?" I ask. " Sure , its back there and to your left" the cop says and I get up and I head to the bathroom.

I open the door and I start humming the song I always hum. It's a the little mermaid song. Part of your world. It's my favorite Disney song of all time.

I stop dead in my tracks. Because a man comes out of one of the stalls. It's Nick....

How the hell did they find me?????

" Hey" Nick smirks and does a creepy ass wave with his fingers. He comes over to me and grabs my arm before I can run and scream. He covers my mouth. He pushes me out a window and I fall right on my head and I land on my back. Fuck!!! fuck!!!!! Owwww my neck! Crap! Crap! Crap!!

I lay there holding my neck in pain. I hear nick land next to me. He grabs my arm and pulls me up. " Stop it , you stupid pathetic idiot, you hurt my neck" I cry and I pull away from his grip. " Wait... really?" He asked like I'm lying or something. " Yes really!" I yell at him still holding my neck.

" okay, don't move it" nick says and grabs my head and he holds it still. " Lift up your head please" he says and I follow his instructions. " You better know what you're doing" I say and we start walking.

I see Grant outside of the van. He smirks at me but now he realized what is going on. He has a worried face and he races over to us. " What the hell happen?" He asked panicked. " I pushed her out of the window not realizing she would land on her head and hurt her neck" Nick explains. " okay get her in the van" grant orders.

We drive back to the house. The reason why I'm not putting up a fight is because I'm in too much pain and I kind of don't want to die if my neck snaps or something in general bad happens.

They help me out of the car and they bring me to the couch. " Why are you being so nice?" I ask.

" Because we are nice people obviously" Nick snickers.

" Hence the people who killed a lot of people" I say and roll my eyes.

" Alright whatever kiddo" Dylan laughs.

It's turns out my neck is just fine, I just strained it in the fall.

" Wanna do something fun?" Grant asked me.

" Nah, I'm good, I'm just gonna lay here and think about how my life could have been completely different , If you fucking idiots never freaking kidnapped me!!" I yell the last two words.

" Wanna kill some people?" Grant says. Sounds like he is joking but at the same time he is really wanting to.

I drop my mouth at him. " Are you serious right now?"

" Yes , of coarse I'm serious, when I kill people, I get a sense of release" he smiles at me.

" How about I kill you!!" I yell and lunge right at him and we both fall to the ground and I start chocking him. " You.are.fucking.insane!!" I yell again. He punches me square in the face and I fall off of him and I hold my face in pure pain.

" Let's go sweetheart " he grabs one of my legs and starts dragging me. I try to hold onto a wall but he is way too strong for me and my grip literally sucks so my hands fall right off the wall and he continues to drag me. " Where the hell are you taking me?!" I cry.

" The room!" He laughs and we go into a dark room. It was the same room where they basically tortured me in. Fuck me.

Heyyy! Ya'll should listen to Sad song by Scotty sire! I have it literally on repeat. 😂😂! Well you know what to do, make sure you vote on the chapter if you liked it and comment your opinions so far! Also add this story to your library so you know when I updated! Bye for now! 🙂🙂🙂🙂

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