Come closer
That’s better
So I can see your lovely face
No guile in your eyes
So blue, what a prize
Innocent still, your body untouched
So fresh for the picking
I can taste you from here
Don’t look away now
There’s nothing to fear
I just want to look
It’s the rule of the old
It’s all we have left
Memories, still lucid
And pain
So much pain
I'm simply bereft
Come closer
I’m harmless
No fight in this frame
You are young
So enticing
Your youth is a drug
A feast for my eyes
I can suck it all up now
Don’t you see, It's my gift?
Come closer much closer
I really don’t bite
No teeth, not in sight
So rounded
So ripe
So perfect
It’s not right
So jealous it hurts
Was once mine
I was pert
I’d swop all the hurt
My wisdom, for life
I’m ready to go
All it takes is one touch
A small peck on the cheek
It’s easy to take
You’re raised well
Such manners
Not easy to fake
Come closer, yes closer
I’m old and inert
Just a kiss for a lady
So frail in her chair
Come closer I need you
Oh yes you are fair
Close your eyes for a second
You're here, its begun
New body
New senses
New eyes to look down
At the senile old lady
Who screams in protest
Take her away now
She’s crazy
A clown
She says I’ve her body
She’s upsetting the guests
At last
I am mobile
Warm blood fills my veins
Let’s dance to the music
There’s men to embrace
Come closer
I’m ready
To taste life once more
Who’s first on my dance card?
Was I like this before?
Such a treat, so much promise
My desire knows no bounds
So come on, come closer
And see for yourself
I have a new body
And a delightful new face.
All rights reserved.
PuisiThe Succubus prayer - Beware of the frail old lady that watches from her chair - and other poems of a supernatural/disturbing nature. Copyright by J E BENNETT 2014. All rights reserved.