Chapter 8

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Snow's POV

"Snow! Come on it was nothing!" Regina yells at me.

"Oh come on last week I saw you with David and now you two are together all the time. Tell me your not with him!" I yell back.

"Snow Im with Daniel and I know you like David so Im not gonna do that to you. I wouldnt do that." She says.

"Oh really how about the time when Emma met that guy whats was his name Walsh and you made him flirt with you because you didnt want Emma to have him." I say.

"Actually Walsh was working for my sister so she could know my secrets. Snow other then that I would never hurt anyone's chances with a guy." She says.

"I dont believe you." I say.

"Fine then I will just leave." She says and walks out.

David's POV

I heard alot of yelling next door and saw Regina leaving.

"I think there was a fight next door." I say.

"Yeah yelling means a fight." Robin says.

"Im gonna go check on Regina." I say.

"Of course you are." He says.

"Hey you dont know what happening with her right now. You caused this. You hurt her. Im just trying to help her." I say.

"No your trying to win her for yourself." He says.

"Your stupid. I am not. Even if I did your suppose to be marrying another woman its not my fault you cant leave Marion." I say.

"You think your so perfect dont you?" He questions.

"I prefer Charming." I say.

"I cant believe your doing this to me." He says.

"Robin you did it to yourself." I say and walked out.

Robin's POV

"Oh my god Im trying to make sure Im as devilishly handsome as I was yesterday, but with all the yelling and door slamming I cant concentrate." Killian says.

"David is taking Regina away from me." I say.

"So." He says.

"How would you feel if he was taking Emma or if I was taking Emma from you? How would you feel?" I ask.

"Depends do you and David wanna die." He says.

"See you would be upset so dont give me this so crap." I say.

"The so wasnt to make you mad it was a so. As in so if he is taking Regina away from you. Then you take Snow away from him." He says.

"Your a evil man." I say.

"I prefer..." He starts.

"Yeah yeah. Dashing rapscallion." I say.

"Now do it is whatever you do. Best of luck." He says.

I walked out of the door just as Snow was leaving.

"Hey you wanna hang out just us. I mean if Regina and David can do it so can we." I say.

"Sure why not." She says.

"Awesome. Shall we." I say holding out my arm.

"Sure." She says and take it.

We walked out the building and David and Regina saw us and so we continued to walk away from them.

Emma's POV

"Killian! Hey! You home!" I yell banging on his door.

"Geez Swan hang on." He says and opens the door.

"David and Regina, Robin and Snow. What have you done?" I ask.

"Oh so its my fault." He says.

"Killian." I say.

"Okay fine since Regina and David are all buddy buddy. I told Robin to just be buddy buddy with Snow." He says.

"Your an idiot. Snow is like in love with David and Regina is like in love with Robin. Plus Snow and Regina are best friends. Why would you be so stupid?" I ask.

"Okay just relax. See this is simple. David has always wanted to be with Snow and Robin has always wanted to be with Regina. Both didnt think the girls would be with them so the went on with others. So now if they want to be with the right one and three of them dump the people no one likes then its all okay. They will admit their feelings and everything is happy." He says.

"Okay you better be right." I say.

"So if Snow loves David and Regina loves Robin..." He starts.

"Hey David loves Snow and Robin loves Regina then..." I say.

"See ya." He says.

"Yeah see ya." I say and walked out.

He can never know how I feel for him because I know he doesnt feel the same way.

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