Chapter 17

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Robin's POV

For the past week Regina hasnt been speaking to me at all. I dont know why. I needed to talk to her about what Marion wants me to decided, but I need Regina to tell me what to do.

"Emma, Snow." I say knocking on the door.

"Hey Robin. Come in." Snow says.

"Look I need to speak to Regina." I say.

"Oh she isn here." Emma says.

"What? Where'd she go? I need to see her. I need to talk to her." I say.

"Robin she told us about Marion and how Marion wants you to leave us." Snow says.

"Yes I know.." I start.

"Neal did the same thing to me. I did it and I lost everyone. Dont make the same mistake I did." Emma says.

"Im trying not to. I love this friendship with all of you, but I need Regina to tell me this is a mistake. Im getting married in two weeks. If Regina cares about me in any way. Have her talk to me." I say and walked out the door.

Regina is never going to speak to me again. I need her. I want her. Though she doesnt need or want me.

Snow's POV

"You can come out now. He left." I say.

"Thanks guys. After that bitch slapped me I didnt know what to do. I cant face him." Regina says.

"He looked very upset. Like he wants you to ruin his wedding and tell him you love him." Emma says.

"I cant do that. As much as I love him and would like to piss off Marion. I cant do that. If he loves her then I have to let him go." Regina says.

"Yeah, but do you want to lose him forever. They get married and she takes him maybe far away. You dont want that. Then in a couple years he could come back with her child and treat you like it never happened." Emma says.

I know what they were saying was about Robin and Regina, but in my mind this was also towards me. It was now or never. David told me to help him choose so thats what Im gonna do. I walked out the door and stood in front of the boys door.

"Snow what are you doing?" Regina asks.

"Im stopping David before its to late." I say.

"Your not really going to. Are you?" Emma asks.

"I cant watch mainly because Robin could see me." Regina says and walke back into the apartment.

I am and I was, but I dont know whether to knock or just walk in.

Killian's POV

"Oh come on Mate. Robin is getting married and now your leaving. What happened to sticking together?" I ask.

"Killian, we still love you, but its time to move on." David says.

"He's right mate." Robin says.

"No you both cant leave. Why leave?" I ask.

"Snow doesnt want me to stay." David says.

"And Regina isnt speaking to me. Thats why." Robin says.

"So, I need my boys. You guys are like the brothers I never had." I say.

"You have two brothers." Robin says.

"So I like you guys better. Please dont leave. Snow will come around. Regina will forgive you. Dont make my tie you boys to chairs and keep you here." I say.

"Killian its time to let go." David says.

"No." I say and block the door. I seemed to have shut it when someone was opening it.

"Owe. Okay who did that?" Snow asks from outside.

"David! How could you just hit the door without thinking someone is there!" I yell.

"Killian is lying. He through himself in front of the door stopping us from leaving." David says and opens the door.

"Well are you leaving?" Snow asks him.

"Yes. Other then Killian wanting me to stay. I should just go." David tells her.

"I want you to stay. Dont leave." Snow says.

"Snow I think your gonna have to find away other then telling him to stay. I already tried that." I say.

"Well then here goes nothing... David I love you as more then a friend. I dont like you with Kather...." Snow says, but before she could finished David cuts her off with a kiss.

"Im not going anywhere." David says once their lips part.

"If I would have known kissing you would work. I would have kissed you." I say.

"Yeah that might have stopped me." David says.

Then David and Snow went back to kissing and I finally noticed Emma was there the whole time. Just because David and Snow feel the same doesnt mean Emma feels the same way for me.

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