FOUR | Sorry

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~Alvia's POV~

"So I think maybe sometime we should hang out tomorrow?"

I just hmmed, I was too lost in his attractiveness, his gorgeous blue eyes, his kissable plump lips, his beautifully designed jaw-line, his cheeks, I took in EVERY detail I could, next thing I knew I was leaning in and kissing him 


I know that voice, I slowly removed my lips from Luke's and turned to see a one Mr Tyler Carter, he looked like someone tied him down and made him watch them microwave his hamster and he couldn't save it as it squealed and cried (whoa sorry for that description) I felt sorry for him, he turned and walked away

"TYLER" I shouted as I ran after him, he disappeared as I turned to see the sorrow looks upon my best friend and new found friends' faces, I sat down with my back against the wall, what had I done? I didn't understand why Tyler left like that, I sat and had every question possible run through my mind, I stood up, I didn't know what was wrong with Tyler but I WOULD find out!!

After searching around for Tyler I eventually found him, in the cold, and in the park, he looked like he had been crying, "Tyler?" I questioned, he turned and looked at me, yep, his eyes were red and swollen, he didn't look like the type that would cry over a girl he just met 

"Why did you run off like that?" I questioned as I sat on the swing next to the one he was on and swung gently, I turned to him when he sighed, 

"You don't understand, " he said, "you just don't understand" 

Wait, what didn't I understand?

"Understand what Tyler?"

As he looked at me he looked like he was about to burst into tears

"If I tell you, you might think I'm weird"

I stared at him and started laughing

"Tyler, my best friend thinks she's a pixie, she walks around with pixie ears on, we have the best memories though Tyler, and even though she's weird I wouldn't be to think of anything that was weirder than her, as much as I love her and wouldn't change her for the world, whatever you say surly can't be weirder than that" I said as I laughed

"I'm sorry, " he said

why was he sorry, what? he got up and came over to me, put his hands above mine on the swing chains and stared at me, "Look at me Alvia" he said, my heart felt like it had done a leap, I loved the way he said my name, I looked up into those beautiful eyes, he could murder someone and he could stare at the judge in court and he would get away with it, those beautiful blue eyes "yes Tyler?" I said, he gulped


"GUYS" I looked at the voice, Summer.

I will murder her and I'll make sure I get away with it, what would be the best? poison?

hmm that could work 

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