FOURTEEN | Unknown

95 3 2

November 14th

me and Avia were in town, we were off to see Dumb and Dumber 2! we hadn't heard from the guys since they were in the UK and it sucked big time, I missed Tony and Avia was like a love sick puppy, we checked regularly, Tyler's face was fine now and Luke's hand had been fine for a long time, we bought our tickets and popcorn etc and stood outside the doors of the cinema room and started talking, eventually we were allowed to go in and we sat and enjoyed the film, after the film ended we both went to Pizza Hut and we ordered our pizza, my phone rang as we were waiting for our food and it was a unknown number so me being me I didn't answer it, a voice-mail was left eventually, as me and Avia were eating we struck up a conversation

"so, do you think they miss the UK?" she asked

"you mean does Tyler miss you" I said

"yeah" she said quietly

"Avia he confessed how much he liked you to me and you, do you really think he'll just forget you?"

she nodded, that woman worried so much over the slightest thing, it was silly but I wouldn't change her for the world

"I doubt he'll forget you Avia" I said as we ate some more

my phone kept ringing, "who the hell is that?" I asked no-one in particular 

'unknown number' 

"I am not answering a unknown number" I stated

I put my phone on silent and me and Avia talked about different things, as we got on my bus we headed to mine and I checked my phone, '17 missed calls' whoever this person was, was rather persistent, then I saw it

'1 new message'

well this was odd

unknown number: please you and Avia either answer or come to the airport

I didn't know how to respond, so I showed Avia

"we should go, it's like a mystery, we could find this person and wait, how do they know my name?"

"I don't know Avia but I feel worried"


'1 new message' 

unknown number: please, we're waiting for you, come meet us

I didn't know what to do

"Avia?" I asked hoping her mature responses would help except all I got was her ready to go out smiling

"can we go now then and meet mysterious people asking for us"

Sometimes, just SOMETIMES that girl worried me

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