Chapter 16

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"And where do you think you're going?" a voice asked the pink hair teenager before he walked out the door. Natsu sighed at being caught before he turned and faced his mother, Grandine. "I'm going for a walk" Natsu said, watching her boredly.

"Natsu it's late at night are you crazy?" the mother fold her arms as she observed her son who wore a pain white T shirt and dark pants along with some shoes. "It'ss not that late" he said and Grandine checked her watch "It's 10 in the night plus you have school tomorrow morning Mr."

"I know, it's just a short walk, I got to clear my head out okay?" he asked, raising a brow. "Natsu I understand that but it's too late for walks Mr. " "Mom I'm 17, just now I'll be 18 years of age" "So that doesn't stop me from whopping your ass" he watched her surprised. "Wait what?"

Grandine sighed again before observing her watch. "You're lucky I'm a cool person towards you, you got one hour, be home by 11 or you're dead meat, you hear?" "Yes mummy thanks!" "Shh your father's sleeping" "Sorry" he walked up to her and kissed her cheek "I'll be back" "Okay, if you happened to see a snack store open bring me some snacks" "Okay greedy" he chuckled then head to the door.


"Yes..finally, some peace" Natsu whispered to himself, walking down a road with his both his hands in his pants pockets. "Now where could a fella go?" he asked himself but stopped when his phone beeped in his pocket. "Hope that's not mom, I've been only gone 15 minutes" he grubled, taking out his phone.

He looked at the caller ID and his eyes widened when he saw the Restricted No. "Private number hm.." he looked up at the starry sky then back at his phone. Who could be calling him unknown, was it one of his friends, a person he gave his number to but probably forgot, Lucy?

His eyes widened once her name came into his head and he answered the call instantly.

"Lucy?" he asked "....." all he heard was silence on the other end of the line "Um..hello?" Natsu asked asking, raising a pink brow. "...." "Hey I'm not on games here, better answer or I'll hang up" he warned but still heard nothing "Fine guess I'm-" "Can up?"

"Who is this?" Natsu asked "It's me...Lucy" the voice whispered and his eyes widened and a happy smile took his face "R-really?" "Yeah...could you meet me?" "Um sure, right now I'm roaming the streets, where do you want to meet up?" he asked but he felt quite wierd, Lucy's voice sound different. "Lucy?" he asked.

"...." "You sound a bit wierd, what's wrong?" "....I'll meet you just stay...where you are-" "Lu-" the phone hung up and he looked at the screen again.

"Um...okay?" he asked.

12 minutes later

Natsu looked forward as he heard an engine roaring and his eyes snapped at the yellow car driving his way, it looked like a cab.

I've got alot to say to her..

The car stopped

I'm so sorry Lucy, please forgive me..

The car door opened and a feet came out

I still love you..

The female came out the car and closed the door, her back facing Natsu as she was talking to the driver, she wore a black hoodie and she looked paler and..shorter?

"Wait a minute.." he whispered and the person turned to him, taking off the hoodie and his eyes widened. It was Lisanna Strauss.

"Lisanna" Natsu whispered and the cab took off, leaving the two. "Natsu.." Lisanna whispered "Wait..was it you on the phone?" Natsu asked and she looked away, refusing to gain eye contact with him. "Hey I'm talking to you-" she cut him off "Natsu we need to have a serious talk" Lisanna said, now facing him.

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