Chapter 26

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"Natsu.." Lucy whispered again before she glared at him. "The hell are you doing?!" she slapped him, making him fall off her. "Nice seeing you too idiot.." Natsu grumbled, holding his left cheek. Lucy quickly sat up on the ground, looking down at herself. "Damn I'm all dirty.." she gave Natsu a glare and he sighed, stretching his hand for her.

"Want help?" "No" she stood up, dusting her pants. "Of course you won' haven't change one bit-" "Where the hell were you all this time?!" she screamed in rage.

"Places, why do you want to know?" he raised a brow "I've been searching for you for three years Natsu.." he watched her, giving her a dull look. "And why, didn't you said you hat-" she cut him off "Not that.." she shook her head, facepalming herself. "Then what and hurry because I've got things to do" he said annoyed, putting his hands in his pockets.

"Were you going to kill me before you knew it was me?" she asked, giving him a look. "I could of killed you if I wanted to but..nah'' she gave him a nasty look and he sighed, looking around the area they were in. "Listen.." he turned to her "go home, this area isn't safe for you, you can get murdered..or raped"

Lucy tched "I think I can handle myself-" "No you can't, go" she glared at him "This is a dangerous place Lucy.." she rolled her eyes while crossing her arms, looking around. "Doesn't look so dangerous to me.." "Come here.." he grabbed her arm, walking down the road with her "H-hey!" she tried yanking her arm away but he only held her arm tighter.

"Ouch Natsu you're hurting me.." she groaned and he looked at her "You don't listen Lucy" she yanked her arm away and rubbed it. She gave him a glare, walking down the road along side him. "What are you.." she groaned and he looked at her, putting his hands in his pockets.

"What do you think?" he asked "Are you a killer Nat-" "I'd appreciate it if you don't say my name out loud" he gave her a glare before he said "and no, I'm not a killer" "So you sell drugs for a living?" she asked and he rolled his eyes "What do you care..." "Why are you walking with me anyway-" "You wanna get raped?!" he snapped.

She sighed, shaking her head "No.." she mumbled "Good, I'm walking with you out of this area then you can go your merry way" he said, sighing.

They continued to walk down the road, in total silence until Lucy decided to break it. "They miss you you know.." she said "Who?" he asked, turning to her "Your family" Natsu tched "Why are you even visiting my mother?" " daughter does want to see her"

He looked at her "You have a daughter?" "Yes" she glared at him "Hm..well great, good job" he said casually "You'll always be a damn idiotic whore" "I can say the same to you" "She's your daughter too Natsu, I named her Nashi about three years ago" "Okay.." he said uninterestly.

"Natsu" she stopped her walking but he continued to walk forward. "Natsu!" she yelled then he stopped, he turned to her and glared "What did I tell you about not saying my name out loud?!" "Natsu, Natsu, Natsu!!" he walked towards her and took hold of her shoulders.

"I'm trying to be a nice person here" he said with gritted teeth, looking around. "Natsu how could you be so cruel, you have a daughter, her name is Nash-" "I heard you the first time dammit, what do you want, money for her or something" "Natsu, she waits for you every single night, waiting for you to come home" she said, her eyes stinging.

"What about your precious Sting, why don't you say he's her father-" "Sting has fucking blonde hair you fucktard and Nashi already seen your face" she said with gritted teeth. "Lie to her then-" "Don't you want to see your daughter?" he sighed at her question, giving her a glare.

"Lu-" "Give me an excuse and I swear I'll scream your name out loud again"

They glared at each other "What if I walk away?" he asked "I'll rip your penis off" she said dead serious. "You know what...fine..fine whatever.." he continued to walk ahead with her behind "Let me see if you speak the truth.." he said, rolling his eyes.


Nashi sighed, looking out the window in total boredom, her mother was out again, leaving her all alone in the apartment. She wasn't even tired anymore and she wondered where her mother ran off too.

She sighed, looking at the stars in the sky. She gasped when she saw a shooting star passing by "A shooting star!" she quickly closed her eyes and made a wish "I wish daddy can come home.." she whispered before she opened her eyes, staring at the sky again. "Will my wish come true?" she asked the moon which gleamed.

Nashi sighed again before she backed away from the window when she heard footsteps and grumbling outside. She heard the front door being opened and she gasped, running in her bed and covering herself up with blankets and pretending to be asleep.

"Where is she already" she heard a male voice grumbled then she heard her mother's voice "In her room idiot"

The door to her room was opened and Nashi squeezed her eyes shut. She heard footsteps coming towards her and she gave out a little snore. "Is this her- oph!" Natsu glared at Lucy, holding his side. "You didn't have to do that you know.." he whispered and Lucy rolled her eyes, walking towards Nashi.

"Nash-" "Don't wake her up" "The fuck not Natsu?" Nashi gasped in her sleep when she heard the name being called then she opened her eyes. Her brown eyes landed on the pink hair male who watched her surprised. "You're awake" Lucy smiled then pointed at Natsu.

"Daddy's here" Nashi smiled, coming off of bed and towards Natsu "Daddy!" she hugged his feet, smiling in joy. "You finally came!" she exclaimed. "Uh.." Natsu said, turning to Lucy who gave him a glare "Uh..yeah.." he rubbed her back. Nashi backed away and giggled at him.

She couldn't hold it in anymore, tears of joy ran down her face. "Daddy.." she cried, hugging him again. Lucy smiled at the scene before her, folding her arms. "You're here!'' Nashi cried "you came home.." Natsu looked at Lucy again. "Fucking hug her.." Lucy grumbled softly so Nashi wouldn't hear.

He backed Nashi away from him and smiled at her "Nice to meet yo-'' Lucy tapped him. "Ow.." he rubbed the back of his head, glaring at the mother.

"Mummy can you bring the left over I saved for daddy?" Nashi asked "Of course sweety, hope you eat cookies Natsu.." Lucy walked away and out the room, leaving the father and daughter.

Nashi looked up at Natsu and smiled "I helped mummy bake cookies and I saved you some" she smiled brightly at him. Natsu looked at the door again, making sure Lucy wasn't there.

"Oh Nashi.." he went down on his knees and hugged his daughter, resting his head on her little shoulder "that's great sweety.." he whispered. "I missed you so much daddy.." Nashi started crying again, hugging him back. "I've missed you too Nashi..I love you so much.." he whispered back, holding her close to him.

Lucy walked in the room and stopped when she saw they were hugging "I love you too daddy.." Nashi whispered, tears running down her cheek.


"Oh Nashi.." he whispered with a big goofy smile on his face and Lucy have to admit, that was the first real smile she've ever seen.

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