Chapter 49

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The Next Day

12:24 pm

Lucy looked down at her plate, staring at the piece of fried chicken, the mash po.atoes and the salad that laid on the plate. She just kept staring at it, not making any kind of movement to eat the food. She was busy thinking and as for her daughter, Nashi, who sat next to her kept filling her mouth with food.

And as for her parents. Lucy looked at her quiet mother who kept stabbing her piece of meat with her fork, her eyes down in her plate. She looked like she was in deep thought as well. And as for her father, his eyes only remained on his food as well, but it didn't  look like he was thinking though, he just kept eating.

The house was silent, which surprised Lucy. This house was never quiet along with her parents. Lucy then cleared her throat, earning everyone's attention who sat by the dinner table.

"Yes sweety?" Jude asked, a sigh of relief escaping his mouth. Lucy could tell that he was happy someone broke the silence. ", what's up?" Lucy asked, chuckling nervously. "Nothing" Layla said flatly as she returned to her food along with Nashi. "Okay.." Lucy said, unsure. She wanted to know why her mother's been so grumpy to her this whole morning she came, did she did something wrong?.

Jude then sighed, turning to Layla. "Honey I think it's best we tell her" he said. "Tell me what?" Lucy asked, raising her brow. Layla just sighed, not making an attempt to do anything. Jude turned to Lucy and said "She just realized you're not as communicative as you were before but I don't really balme you"

"Not communicative?" Lucy asked, turning to Layla "I am communicative, especially with you mom"

"Oh really?" Layla gave Lucy a look "do you think it was wise not to tell me anything about Natsu?" the mother asked and Lucy raised her other brow, confused. "What are you talking about?" Lucy asked. Layla then pointed at her grand daughter "Nashi was the one to tell me Lucy-Nashi" Layla raised her voice a bit.

Lucy looked at her daughter then back at her mother. "It's not like I wasn't planning on telling you guys anything, things take time you know-" "I hate that line" Layla said before she closed her eyes and asked "do you know how long Igneel's family were in grieve because of their son's disappearance, I had to be the one to even inform Grandine herself that her son wasn't dead"

Lucy's eyes widened "But I told you not- you see, that's why I don't tell you things you see why because you don't keep your word-" "Oh shut up Lucy you're making no sense right now, Grandine is a mother and I actually felt her pain, every single day she waited and waited for her son to come back home"

Lucy rolled her eyes.

"And you now, with this information to his family's happiness" Lucy sighed "decided to be selfish and not tell anyone-what is it because Natsu wants you to keep quiet or something, are you too dumb in love with him you decided not to tell?" "Okay that's enough" Jude said. Lucy just stared at her mother before she placed her palm against her chest. "I'm too dumb in love, haha okay mom..whatever you say.."

Lucy pushed her chair back and stood up, turning to her daughter. "Come on sweety, let's go" "What are you doing, someone finally says the truth and now you snap" "Mom.." Lucy groaned, turning to her mother "I am ending this conversation because I know if I don't, I will say things"

"Things like what?" "You see, you don't get me, I am anything but dumb, I am a strong, hardworking and loving person, I make sure to provide for my daughter and myself with the little I have" "No one told you to move out in the first place, you're only 19-" "Going on 20 soon" Lucy said and Layla sighed.

"You are only putting pressure on yourself" Layla said, watching as her daughter took her grand daughter off the chair. "and then you come crying to me about being depressed" "Then I won't be crying to you, happy now?" Lucy took hold on Nashi's hand and looked at her parents.

"Since you guys have forgotten, I am not a child anymore, I am an adult and I expect to be treated like one for once and I know what I am doing okay"

With that being said, Jude watched as his daughter walked away. "Well at least let her finish lunch" he said "There is lunch waiting for us at home, now goodbye" they walked out the dining room and Layla held her head, sighing.

''Same ol' stubborn Lucy.."

"Dammit.." Psycho whispered softly, searching through the contact list of Natsu's phone. The man made a groan, a bandage over his purple coloured nose as he laid on the couch. Lucky thing yesterday he was kind enough to pick up Natsu's phone what he threw out the door before the rain came down.

The apartment was surprisingly quiet today. Why? Not just that he didn't wanted his noisy people over, he knew if there was any source of noise he'd upset Mr. Grumpy again. He wasn't scared of Natsu though, he was just worried about him, so seeking help was his only option from a rather close friend of Natsu's.

Natsu may get angry but he was doing it for Natsu's own good. "Now what is his baby mama's name again?" Psycho asked himself, rubbing his chin. "I know it starts with a L but..what, was it..Lacy?"

He strolled through the contacts but it was difficult because there were alot of girls' names on his contact list. He typed in L.

14 contacts appeared with girls and guys with L names. "Lenny.." Psycho read "Leo, Leandra, Lexy..Luce..London" Psycho paused, his eyes looking at the Luce name it had with hearts.

Luce ♡♡♡

"Hm, this have to be it" Psycho said.

Nashi chuckled, her eyes stuck on her tablet as she watched an online cartoon show, all strapped up in the back seat as her mother drove the car on the road to home. She didn't heard her mother well but she knew she was arguing to herself but she was too busy watching the show.

"Me..I'm too dumb, how can a mother say that..would she even care if I told her I tried committing suicide just the day before yesterday..ugh, parents.."

The blonde's phone then rang that laid on the passenger's seat besides her. Lucy sighed, snatching the phone off the seat and staring at the unkown ID. "Who the heck can this be, I'm already pissed off enough" she answered the phone and placed it against her ear.

"Hello?" "..." she heard nothing on the line and groaned "I'm hanging up" "Wait" Lucy rolled her eyes "What can I help you with, whatever" "Why do you sound like you had a shitty day" "Duh, now what do you want?" "Is this Luce?" Lucy rolled her eyes before she asked "Who are you?"

"I'm just a concerned friend" "Of?" "Natsu" "So what, he's giving strange men my number now, I should've really changed my numbe-" "Okay listen, I didn't called to hear this shit okay, I called for your help" "Help for what?" "Natsu..he's I don't know if critical is a right word for it na..he's paranoid"

"What? haha, the great Natsu Dragneel is paranoid and he needs my help haha, how much shit can I take for just today" "Listen woman I'm-"

Lucy hung up the phone on him. Instantly her phone rang back and Lucy answered it, watching the road. "Listen there buddy, I don't care if Natsu's been bad talking me with you behind my back but I don't take shit okay, I am not those women who's okay with guys calling them lady or woman, I have a name and it is Lucy okay" "So that's why you hung up, this is important shit right now"

Lucy sighed "How am I sure you are not playing with me?" "I'm not, I'd never play with you okay this is important and I need your help asap" "Listen, I'll help okay but I have to drop my daughter at home and call the babysitter before I meet you and if this is a trap or something, don't be surprised if I kill you"

He chuckled on the line. "You're funny" "Feel I'm playing, don't you?" Lucy raised her brow.

"Mommy'll be back okay, sorry I can't be there to eat lunch with you but you love Jenna right?" Lucy turned to the babysitter who was just a teenage girl who smiled then back at her daughter, Nashi. "Okay, but can you bring back gum?" Nashi asked, smiling up at her mother. "Sure" Lucy leaned down and kissed her daughter's head.

"See you later baby, okay?" "Okay" "I love you"

Lucy closed the door behind her, looking up at the sky as a sigh escape her lips. "Why am I even doing this.." she whispered as she put her weapon behind her back.

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