Nightmares and school...don't know which is worse

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I drifted through the grass, pools of sunlight filtering through the branches of the willow trees and birds flittering amongst the leaves. I came across a small, empty swing, I was by the lake I realised happily, looking at the shimmering waters, small ripples gliding across the surface. I heard splashes further along the bank, disturbing the peaceful silence. I pushed through the trees, curious to see who was here.

Two girls were in the water, a few meters from the shore, 'I should say hello,' I thought, stepping out from the shadows. I frowned, something seemed odd about them, the blonde girl hadn't come up for air...the other ones hand's were underwater, holding her down!

'Let her go!' I shouted.

The dark haired girl did so, looking up, the dark, empty caves of her eyes meeting mine. Lank, black hair hung to her waist and her face was a mask of scars, a smile creeping onto it.

The blonde's body floated to the surface, her hair spread around her pale face, which looked oddly familiar...I gasped, she had my face! She was me!

I awoke gasping for air, my alarms incessant beeping cutting through my sleepy haze. Just a dream, it was just a dream, I repeated, rolling over to peer at the time.

'Nuggets!' I yelled, kicking my way out of the tangled mess of blankets around my legs and landing on the ground with a thud. I quickly scrambled to my feet and started digging through the bag of clothes in the corner, throwing a blue plaid skirt and matching tie onto my bed along with a white blouse and navy blue blazer. I quickly threw these on, ran a brush through my hair, grabbed my bag and rushed downstairs.

'Don't people normally wear shoes to school?' David asked when he saw me.

I glanced down at my bare feet then sprinted back upstairs, grabbed a pair of black flats and stumbled down again.

When I reached the front door, I glanced in the mirror, making sure I hadn't forgotten anything else vital, like pants.

'Bye sweetie.' My mother came over to hug me. 'Ugh, here, have these' She grimaced, reaching into her pocket and handing me some strips of gum.

"Thanks' I kissed her good-bye and headed to the bus stop.

I got there just as the bus pulled up; I thanked the driver as I got on and made my way towards the back, searching for a spare seat. There was none so I sat next to a friendly looking boy, with brown hair and a slightly chubby face.

My as well try to be friendly, I thought. I took a deep breath, and almost gagged. Had this guy never heard of deodorant?!

'Hello' I forced, 'I'm Harmony.'

He just sat there, staring out the window, ignoring me.

'Hello...?' I tried again, he turned his head slightly and I caught sight of the thing in his ear; he was listening to music.

'Awkward....' I muttered, glancing around to check no one had noticed.

I shuffled off the bus with the others, when we reached the school. It was a mass of modern looking buildings and neat grounds. I followed the mass of students into the main building after I collected my timetable and locker number from the office.

I made my way through the throng of people in the hallway, making my way over to locker 42G. I stood there struggling with the combination lock.

'Trying to break into someones locker?' Asked a voice from behind me.

I spun around, a blush creeping across my face, 'I'm new here.' I explained to the boy.

'You're Australian,' He said with surprise. 'Need any help?' He smiled kindly.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2012 ⏰

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