School Camp

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(Lol okay so i was really excited about the fact that someone actually loved it so im gonna write one more chapter and then im actually going to bed :P)

I dont know if this happens in other country's but in the Netherlands you go are gonna go camping in the last class of elementry school.

And i didnt actually wanna go, but one day my teacher showed us pictures of the place we where going to sleep, The beach etc.

And i already told him i wasnt going but those pictures actually changed my mind and i wanted to go and i was sure nothing was gonna go wrong.. Boy i was wrong.

The day we had to leave i was excited and scared cause i was going to miss my house and my cat. even though it was like 5 days i was still really scared something was gonna go to shit. We had to go with a boat since the place where we would be going was an ''island'' and the boat trip took us like 1,5 hour. it was fun on the boat,

We ate a lot and just enjoyed the view of the ocean. once we arrived there i wanted to go home. i didnt want to sleep in a strange bed and i wanted to see my cat.

I have always been homesick and i guess that trip was one of the worst cases.

on day 1 we didnt do much. we just played games and ate (again)

The second day everything went to shit, Like i said i have autism and i can get mad really fast.

I was in a fight with the whole class.. Everyone absolutely hated me at that point :/

i told them to all just die and i wanted to go home and just forget everything.

But since it was almost the end of the school year i thought i could survive.

Still WASNT thinking about depression or suicide.

I was just sad and angry at that moment and absolutely regretted going on that trip :/

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