Warren Peace was a teenager with a fiery temper - quite literally. He could keep a reign on his outburst perfectly, until he got angry. Gemma Thawne found out soon enough.Warren couldn't stand that impudent little twerp that he saw Gemma as, acting all wonderful it seem with all her little sidekick friends and acting like she was nothing special. The little idiot, at the thought of her then, was sure to be as arrogant as his father, but he was a coward too, wouldn't even fight him back, not until he 'miraculously' found his powers. Warren knew now that Gemma really had just found her mist powers.Stupid little Thawne messed up Warren's life royally and never even said sorry, and Warren even had the stupidity to let the stupid kid be friends with him, but somehow Warren didn't mind, because that one decision backfired on Warren very unfortunately, but not in such a bad way when he thought about it.
It was after Gemma came along that Warren finally understood and knew what it was to be on fire, and what it was to have love so powerful it could overcome the harshest of flames and the hottest of infernos.Warren and Gemma sat on the edge of the school grounds, legs dangling over the drop as they relaxed. They had made a habit of meeting up there, especially since they didn't share classes and in the lunch hall everybody stared at them.Warren had a cigarette that he idly took a drag from when he so chose. Gemma watched him, fascinated for a while before turning away and looking absentmindedly at the cloudsWarren then allowed himself to look at Gemma. He found the girl little odd. Windswept hair fell in Gemma's blue eyes, messy and rather cute, so Warren thought. Her clothes were wrinkled and a little dirty here and there, but she still noticed where the jeans clung to her legs. Warren knew not to question his feeling for Gemma.Gemma sat up and looked at Warren. "Oy, Hothead, what does that smoke taste like?" asked Gemma, innocent and naive, voice questioning and curious. Warren raised his eyebrows a fraction, amused by Gemma's childish interest.Warren took another drag on his cigarette, a devilish plan in mind. He didn't release the smoke however. He dropped his cigarette. He brought on hand up and grabbed Gemma's chin, then pressed their lips together. As Gemma gasped in shock he breathed in the smoke. Warren smirked and pulled away.
Supergirl7070: Book 2
RandomIts after the fight with Zoom. The kids embark on their own journey.