« " Hello old friend. " »

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  (H/C) - Hair Color
  I walk slowly, my feet every so often kicking up dust on the old road. I stop and take in my surroundings. Tall grass fields on either side. In front and behind me stretches the dusty, black pavement I've been walking for miles. I start walking again and look ahead, in the distance I see something shine. I start running towards it. I skid to a stop in front of... a key? I pick it up and observe it. It's old and rusted. I look back at the faded yellow strip and see a coin. I pick it up as well. I blow my (H/C) hair out of my face and observe the coin better. It's just as old as the key. I look at the key once again. It has a hole at the end just big enough for the coin. I flip the coin and then place it in the key. It fits! I put the combination in my pocket and keep walking. I'm almost there, I can taste the saltiness in the air. Finally, I see the beautiful, big, blue ocean I grew up in. I walk down towards the water, all the while taking off my shoes. I wade slowly in the slow rolling waves and watch the fish. I walk back towards the road, carrying my shoes in my left hand. Something's catches my eye, and I turn to see it. I spot a little cottage, and head towards it instead. It's surrounded by a fence. I scan the perimeter for a way in and find a lock. I take out the key/coin combo and unlock the lock. I walk up the yard and to the door. I knock and it opens. "Hello old friend. It's nice to see you.", I say, walking inside. It hums in response. "Where to?", I ask, closing the camouflaged door. I press a few buttons and pull a few levers, and then... we disappear.
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