Part 4

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'Razor!' She yells.


I grab the plastic and do it myself. She grabs it too and were putting it on the gap as tight as we can. 'Maybe I can leave my fire blanket on there too?' I nod yes and so she covers up our plan. It does not take long for the people inside to die. We hear the bodies drop to the ground with a soft thud. Meanwhile, Kate is looking for the right key to lock this door.

'Got it!!' Haha, she's so happy when she completes something.

M: 'Okay, we finished our first part. Let's move on to the second. Kate and I are going to do some research to see what's the best way for you guys to enter.'

A: 'Ok. Good job you guys.'

I sign to Kate that she can follow me. Downstairs I see about thirty people. Those are probably some amateur guys that they send to scare us. We can easily take them out. 'Omygod. Are they really that stupid?' Kate rolls her eyes again. 'You need to stop doing that Kate. You look arrogant when you do that.' I see her wanting to do it again but she manages to stop herself. 'Gosh. Let's kill these amateurs.' The reason why Kate said they were stupid is because they are seriously standing in groups. Four groups of six or seven people each.

M: 'I've got a plan. Listen closely. First, we have to kill the three persons that are standing at the back of the group. There are four groups so each one of us has our own three persons to assassinate. Adam and Giles will slit their throat and then disappear behind the columns. So our targets won't know they are in the building too. Kate and I kill our guys with our sound-muted guns. Then of course they will notice people are dying. Right after we all killed them I'll give a sign to everyone so we each throw our smoke bombs to confuse them. Kate and I will walk around and shoot people. What we won't do is shoot near the columns because if we do that we may kill Adam and Giles. The people downstairs won't know where we are. If everything works out right they won't even know Adam and Giles are down there killing people too. Kate and I will hopefully dodge all the bullets that are being shot our way and when we don't hear anything anymore we know the job is done. And so is part two of our plan.'

G: 'Sounds great man.'

A: 'Yeah, I'm in.'

K: 'Let's do this boys.'

We are all in place and the others are waiting for my sign. Even though this is a risky plan were still going to perform it. 'Lance, this is for you buddy.'

M: 'And in three... two... one... go.'

As soon as I said go I fire my weapon. Right after that, I shoot through the man to the left and the man to the right making me kill them both with one shot. Quickly I help Kate, shooting the last one of her targets. After I check Adam and Giles I give the sign to throw the smoke bombs. In a split second, I hear guns banging through the whole building.

A: 'I'm safe.'

G: 'Me too.'

Now the shooting part starts. People are coughing loudly but not as loud as the sound of bullets flying through human bodies. Kate and I both walk around the middle, keeping our bodies low and finding shelter behind the half walls that are there to prevent people from falling down. I can't see shit. The smoke is coming up and I know that we have to be quick. I take another gun from my boots and start shooting with both of them. I hear bullets flying near me and I can feel the wind brush against my skin. A shiver runs down my spine as I kneel down behind the half-wall. When I get back up one of the bullets hits me. 'Aaargh.' I moan as I kneel back down. The last shot sounds and then it's quiet. 'Razor! Are you okay? Oh my god you got shot! Razor?! Answer me!' I clamp my jaws together because of the pain. 'Yes, I'm alright Kate. The bullet luckily didn't hit me full-on. The bullet only scraped my arm. It just hurts like a motherfucker.'

A: 'Guys, are you alright?'

K: 'Yes, Razor got shot but he's okay. And very lucky.'

She squints her eyes at me. 'What are you mad at me for?' I laugh. 'I'm the one who got hit.' She sighs. 'I know but I just don't like seeing you hurt I guess.' I give her a short hug. 'You know I can take care of myself. I promise you I'll be alright. But now we have to go to the basement. I think Lance is being held there.' Kate looks at me with a face full of surprise. 'How do you know they have a basement?' I smirk. 'Because I know everything sweety.' She rolls her eyes. 'You're doing it again.' She sighs, as she always does. She is so predictable. 'Hey you two love birds, let's just go. I feel like time is running out.' Giles is right. We need to go. Still aware of the fact that the danger isn't over yet we head toward the basement. 'Are you sure you're ok though?' Kate asked. Her voice sounds worried. 'Yes Kate, I'm fine. We'll take a look at it when we're home.' If the floor map that I found is right, it should be here. And it is. Good. 'We don't know what to expect. They have probably put their best man here to keep Lance captive. Lance is a good fighter, I sort of trained him myself.'

We walk down the stairs in complete silence. If something happens now, we're all trapped. I kneel down and look through the door crack. Three persons are being held captive in the middle of the room. One of them is Lance. By the looks of it, it seems like he's ok. Around him are five men. That means they are up to one man.

'Okay, I have a plan. There are five people. Four men, one woman. I suggest that you take the woman Kate? Don't kill her.' She nods yes. 'Adam and Giles, you each shoot one guy as fast as you can. I'll shoot two of them and then Kate you free Lance. Lance is the one with the little beard.' I whisper. I use my hands to count down. Three... two... one.

Everything goes in slow motion. I shoot. I miss one of the guys. He fires his gun that's pointing towards Lance. In a fraction of a second, I kick Lance's chair away. Adam holds the man and is about to slit his throat. 'Adam don't!' I yell. 'We'll keep the motherfucker alive.' I groan as I try to get back up on my feet again. It's at that moment I notice that Kate is still fighting that girl. And from the looks of it, she's losing big time. So I decide to go help her. 'Hold the man tight! Giles help Adam!' I yell. They immediately do what I told them. I shoot my taser at the girl. She falls down on the ground. Her body shaking. The man is screaming curse words at us. Telling us to leave her alone. Just what I thought. He's in love with her. 'Handcuff her.' As soon as everything is a bit more under control I focus on Lance. 'Hey, bud. Are you ok?' I take his blindfold off. He squints his eyes because of the light. Even though it's almost dark in here. The only light in this room is an old green lamp, giving the room a strange vibe. 'Yes. Thank you, Razor. You saved my life once again.' I laugh. 'What happened?' His face turns angry. 'These fucking amateurs kidnapped me. We were supposed to drop off the drugs at an abandoned building. They didn't have enough money. But apparently, someone wanted the drugs so bad that they attacked us. It was a small deal so I didn't see many problems in just leaving. But hey, they thought let's just take him. Fucking assholes. Out of nowhere, I think it was about twenty people showed up and they captivated us. I don't think they know who they're dealing with.' He grunts. 'I don't think so too. At least, not these people. Being here is the same as committing suicide.' That's why it all doesn't make sense to me. Unless... 'Take them, were going. And they're coming with us.' This can't be true. This may not be true. 'To where?' I try my best not to let my anger take over. 'Somewhere else than here. We need to go so listen and go.' If what I think is true... I grab the plastic chair and throw it across the room. Fuck this.

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