Act One;Scene One

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Kings cross Station

It was the beginning of a new year at Hogwarts. Albus and Scorpius were both with their parents, all standing together on the platform of 9 3/4 with their luggage, Scorpius was only brave enough since it had been once and for all proven he wasn't Voltemort's son, even if they had to cover the event up with a lie he himself knew. Not only had he gotten over his fear for once but over the summer Albus had realized he liked Scorpius as more than a friend.


Harry: I can't believe it's already time for another school year. The summer just seemed to fly by.

Draco: Yeah for you, I barely got to see my son since he was at your house most of the time with Albus,

Draco looks at his son while saying next line.

And not that I don't like you guys hanging out, I just wanted to spend a bit more father-son time with Scorpius.

Scorpius: Yeah I get what you mean dad.

Draco: I know you do.

Albus: We should probably get on the train now, Scorpius.

Scorpius: We have time.

Ginny giggles at her son and his friend, Draco looks at her when she does.

Ginny: I think Albus is just a bit too eager to be alone with Scorpius.

Harry and Scorpius are very confused by this statement and Draco sorta understood since he has picked up on how Albus acts at times. Ginny already knows about Albus' feelings for Scorpius since she is who he went to during the summer.

Albus: Mum!

Albus says this while giving her a glare. In response Ginny pinches one of his cheeks before gently speaking.

Ginny: I was only kidding Albus. Now I want you to write to me and you Dad whenever you have the time okay. I want to hear all about your year. And Scorpius you should probably write to your father to when you can, he is very lonely.

Draco mutters next line quietly to himself, he has a slightly pissed expression, hidden by a fake smile.

Draco: I am not that lonely

Albus + Scorpius: We will.

Harry: Ginny we should probably go say goodbye to James and Lily now. Love you Albus behave, unlike I did.

Ginny: Love you sweetie.

Both hug Albus and Ginny Kisses him on the cheek.

Bye Scorpius, goodbye Malfoy.

Only Draco, Albus, and Scorpius are left together on the platform.

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