#3: You're Sick

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Harry: (age 5)

You and Harry just came back from the sweet shop with a bag full of sweets and chocolate. "(Y/N), I'm just going to go to the bathroom. Don't eat all of the sweets." Harry warned you. Once Harry went upstairs, you started to eat the sweets but, you didn't notice nearly all of them were gone. You started to get an belly ache. Harry came down the stairs from the bathroom. "Hazza, I'm sowwie, I didn't know I ate most of the sweets and now my belly hurts." You said whilst crying. "Awwww, it's ok. Next time listen to your brother." Harry said picking you up and laying you on the sofa. Harry put an blanket on you. "Why don't you take an nap, and once you wake up you will feel much better." Harry said. "Ok, thanks Hazza, for looking after me." You said whilst closing your eyes. "No problem Kitten."

Niall: (age 4)

You were sitting on the sofa watching Spongebob with Niall. When suddenly you felt sick, Niall must of noticed you change colour to green. "(Y/N), are you alright?" Niall asked. "No, I think I'm gonna be sick." You replied. Niall picked you up and as soon as you reached the bathroom you were being sick down the toilet. Niall was rubbing you back and putting you hair out of your face. Once you were done being sick, Niall got you a glass of water and you drunk it. Niall then picked you up and tucked you into bed. "Thank you Ni Ni for looking after me." You said. "No problem Princess. Now you go to sleep and once you wake up you will feel much better." Niall said. "Ok." You said dozing off into a sleep.

Liam: (age 3)

You were sitting on the sofa watching TV and Liam was sitting next to you. You were just sitting down when suddenly, you sneezed. "Achoo!" "Bless you." Liam said. "Achoo! Achoo! Achoo!" You sneezed three times. Liam picked you up and put you on the kitchen counter and getting the medicine out. Liam put the medicine on the plastic spoon, and put it to your lips. "No! I don't like it!" You said referring to the cherry flavoured medicine. "C'mon, it doesn't taste that bad." Liam said to you. "No!" You replied shaking your head. "How about if you take it, we can watch ToyStory!" Liam said. "Ok!" You said taking in the cherry medicine. Liam picked you up and put you on the sofa,putting the ToyStory DVD in. You and Liam cuddled whilst watching ToyStory marathon all day.

Zayn: (age 3)

You woke up with an sore throat, your brother and the boys were downstairs playing video games.You got your teddy and blanket and went down the stairs. You opened the door to the living room where the boys were at. "What's the matter (Y/N)?" Zayn asked. "Sore throat." You croaked out. "Awwww come here." Zayn picked you up and brought you on the kitchen counter. Zayn got the sore throat sweets and gave one to you. "Thank you Zee." You said whilst putting one in your mouth. "No problem, Poppet." Zayn said picking you up and going in the living room,and putting you in his lap whilst continuing playing video games.

Louis: (age 5)

You, Louis and the boys were in the living room watching football. You kept coughing here and there but, nothing too serious. Suddenly, you had a coughing fit, this lead to all the boys looking concerned. "(Y/N), are you alright." Louis asked. You nodded but then leaded to another coughing fit. Louis scooped you up and brought you to the kitchen and placed you on the kitchen counter. He poured the red cough syrup onto a spoon and brought it to your lips. "C'mon (Y/N) open up." Louis asked to you. "No, it tastes yucky." You said back. "I will buy you that new Barbie doll, if you take it." Louis bragged you. "You will?" You asked. "Yes! Now take it otherwise you will keep coughing." Louis said. "Ok!" You said taking the cough syrup. "Now can I have that Barbie doll then?" You asked. "Of course." Louis said.

A/N: I hoped you like this one! Tell me if you think it's any good!

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