Chapter 6

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Unknown Location

Time Unknown

Loki sat, books all around him, deep in concentration. His hands were wrapped together and pressed on his lips. He wore an angry expression, eyes closed. Candles were lit around him, making a soft orange and yellow glow on Loki. There was a soft knock that made Loki open his eyes. Peter's hair slowly poked in. 

"Loki..?" Peter asked quietly. Once he saw the man sitting, obviously concentrating look at him with slits as eyes, Peter retracted;

"Oh I'm so sorry! I didn't know- that- you were- uh.. Never mind it wasn't important, sorry again, Loki!" Peter shrank against the door, but Loki waved his hand in a dismissive manner. 

"It's all right," he nodded, "I was just thinking to myself." He got up and walked over to the boy. He smiled and ruffled his hair, making said boy pout. Suddenly Loki stiffened, and Peter too felt the ground rumble. 

Was it the Avengers? Were they here to take him back to New York? Loki shoved Peter behind him, staring at a blank wall. Peter's Spidey-Sense altered him that the noise was coming from the North. 

They waited in silence, until the wall shattered. It was smashed to pieces, and once the debris cleared, revealed H.Y.D.R.A. agents. 

The one at the front held the 12 gauge round that was filled with powdered lead that fired into the wall, the close range blow destroying the wall effortlessly. 

Loki's arm tried to shield Peter from the wall and debris that scattered over them. 

Sadly it didn't work out well; Peter got hit in the forehead and in his calf. They both were shoved to the ground. Peter bit his tongue so that he wouldn't scream; so hard that his tongue started to bleed. Loki cursed at the H.Y.D.R.A. agents. 

"You didn't do what you were told, Loki," one of them hissed, "this is your punishment. We are going to take the spider, no matter what. An insufficient god will not stand in H.Y.D.R.A.'s way." 

Peter shivered at the coldness in the man's voice. Also, he was confused; wasn't Loki going to give him over? 

Loki, instead of handing Peter over to them, scowled at the men. He got to his feet, green smoke swirling around his hands. He glared at the men threateningly. 

"If you do not replenish," he hissed, "I will have to remove you myself." Few H.Y.D.R.A. agents looked uncertain; he was a god after all. But the one in the front laughed manically. 

"You? Ha, you couldn't even defeat the Avengers with an army! What little are you to us?" he laughed, encouraging the others to laugh along. Loki's scowled intensified, and the glowing started to spark. 

"Uh, Loki..?" Peter muttered, tugging on the cloth on Loki's arm. The god simply just looked at the boy and smiled reassuringly. We're going to get out of here, it seemed to say. Peter breathed in a deep breath. If Loki was going to fight for his safety, he was going to fight for Loki's safety. 

Webshooters or not, nobody could deny that Peter was a formidable enemy, and could kill off the Avengers. 

The H.Y.D.R.A. agents surged forward, and Loki was trying his darn best to fight them off. God or not, Loki could only handle so much. There were about 50-80 H.Y.D.R.A. agents; or at least all that Peter could see. 

Loki's green magic made the agents fly forward and back, but even Peter could see that it was creating great stress upon the god.  

Peter decided to put action into the fight. He moved forward, limping on his leg slightly, and kicked agents in the face. As soon as he did, they went down. Loki yelled in protest, but his weak attempts at making Peter stop was useless. 

Together they fought, hand to hand, hand to magic. Peter got hit, Loki got hit. He took out a H.Y.D.R.A. agent with a kick, knocking them over onto the ground, discombobulating them. His gaze turned to slits watching the man. His Spidey-Sense alerted him and he elbowed the man behind him in the nose, efficiently snapping it. 

Peter was punch, punch, kick, swipe, skid, hault. He stopped as he felt the dagger plunge into his skin. He gasped as the taste of iron filled into his mouth. He felt it in his chest, not close to his heart, but close enough to let blood leak into his throat. He rasped painfully, feeling the knife penetrate his lung. He struggled to breath, feeling the lung inside of him collapse. He himself collapsed onto the ground, knees hitting cement. 

Loki must've heard his strangled rasp, because he turned automatically. He saw Peter in peril, and rushed over. His eyes glowed green as he took the boy's hand. 

He knew he couldn't win this fight alone, and if he stayed and tried, Peter would die a slow and painful death. 

His concentration was at it's peak as he muttered words under his breath. Eyes glowing green, he finished the spell. In an instant, Peter and Loki were in a different building. 

Peter gasped as his hand clutched the knife in his heaving chest. Loki rushed to his side. 

"Peter? Peter look at me, okay? Concentrate on staying awake, okay? Concentrate on me. I am going to close the puncture on your lung, but the wound will still be there. It's okay. Shhh, it's going to be alright. I am going to make it all better." Loki then concentrated, eyes closed. Peter let out a strangled gasp as Loki wretched the knife from his chest. He screamed in agony, Loki gently keeping his cold hand on Peter's cheek. 

"I know it hurts," he said, holding his free hand onto the bleeding wound, putting pressure onto the wound to stop the bleeding. "But it will all be okay soon, I promise." His hand, full of blood, glowed a green. Peter groaned as he felt his lung close and fill with air. He gasped in, taking in the oxygen. 

The last thing he saw was Loki towering over him protectively before loosing consciousness. 



nah im jus' kidding


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