Chapter 3

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I cant stop 

Hey do you guys want this to be a ship? Or do you want it to just be protective!Loki? Tell me in the comments!


"H-He said he gave it to S.H.E.I.L.D.," Peter stammered, looking at Loki right in the eye. He gulped with the god's eye started to glow green with anger. He stood angrily pacing around.

"I-I'm sorry," Peter murmured quietly. Loki's head whipped around to look at the man before him. He sighed, running a hand through his hair. 

"It's.. not your fault," he got out, "it's Stark's." There was a hesitation before:

"Are... Are you going to keep me here?" Peter asked. Loki sighed. He didn't want to keep the man here; he had not quarrel with him. And he seemed that he was fragile and pained. But he needed the alliance with H.Y.D.R.A., too. 

"We'll see," he says slowly. Peter just nods, not thinking that Loki would set him free even if he baked cookies and asked with fluttering lashes. Loki looks at the boy and sighs sadly. He sits down next to the boy with an encouraging nod. 

"I'm not leaving until you eat," he nods to the half-eaten bread in Peter's hand. Peter looks at it and suddenly felt uneasy. 

Slowly but surely, he ate it. It felt like sponge on his tongue. It was easier since Loki was talking about Asgard and what creatures they had there. Peter couldn't help but smile at the soft and friendly words that were spoken to him. He wanted to take pictures of the creatures, even though it may have been impossible. 

"Good," Loki said as Peter finished. "I'm sorry I gave you such a bad food item, it was all I could get on such sort notice. I'll try to get something better next time." He said as he stood up. Peter looked at Loki with surprise. 

"Something... something better? I-I thought you were going to starve me," he confessed. Loki looked at him with a nod of 'no'. Peter smiled with a 'thank you'. 

They talked for about two hours after that then Loki did leave. 


Three Days Later

Peter was eating, but only when Loki was there. He didn't have any motivation to do anything else but sit and stare when the god wasn't in the cell with him. 

But there was something eating inside of him that he had to ask. He had to ask before he kind of let himself 'like' the god. 

So when Loki comes to talk with him once again, Peter had to ask: 

"Loki, you're... you're not going to torture me?" he asked, his voice wobbling. Loki whipped around, his expression full of terror at the idea. He went back to the position he was previously in the other night. 

"No! I may not be a good buy, but I am not a torturer," he looked at Peter with a newfound sadness in his eyes. "Peter, were you tortured?" he asked softly. Peter stiffened, and that was an answer in it's own. 

"Who?" Loki asked. He did't want to admit it, but he had found a new liking to the man next to him. He felt the urge to protect him. Even though he was going to give him to H.Y.D.R.A. 

"N-Nothing," Peter murmured under his breathed. Loki narrowed his eyes but didn't push the teen. 

After that, they continued their usual conversation. 

"You know what I'm craving right now?" Peter asked, nibbling on the apple in his hand. Loki looked at him with interest sparking in his eye. 

"What, Peter?" he asked, sipping his own wine. He had offered Peter some, but he had refused and just wanted some plain water. Mortals. 

"A hot dog. Not even a good one, just a plain New York-Style Hot dog," Peter said, leaning back onto the wall. Loki raised his brow at this, he had not heard of a mortal 'New-York-Style-Hot-Dog' but he was going to figure it out. 


Two Days Later

"Peter," Loki said, looking at the bars. Peter turned around. 

"Good Morning, Loki," he replied, falling off the bed. Loki smiled at the man's clumsiness. 

"Um, Peter... I've been thinking: Perhaps you shouldn't stay in there all day. I am willing to let you leave the cell if you promise to not struggle and or try to leave. Please don't make me fight you, Peter." 

Peter thought for a bit. If the Avengers did find him, then it would be the same scenario. So it would be better to stretch his legs and not be cooped up for a long while. He would probably go crazy, anyway. Besides, he did not even have his webshooters. He looked at his wrists longingly. He nodded, standing up from the bed. He walked over to the bars. 

"Please let me out," he whined, "I can't take it in here." He laid his head against the bars and looked at Loki with a plea in his eyes. 

Suddenly he was teleported next to Loki, and he was facing his cell. He smiled happily, jumping around. 

"Thank you!" he cheered happily. Loki smiled. Suddenly he grabbed the man on the shoulders, making him look at him dead in the eye. 

"Peter," he said, "I like having you out here with me, but please. Don't try and escape- you can't. There's no exit without magic- but I don't want to fight you and make you go back in the cell. Do that for me, please?" his eyes where a plea in itself. Peter nodded. 

"I-I won't." Not until the Avengers save me. Peter added mentally. He self-consciously looked around the room and scratched the wounds on his wrists. Since he hadn't cleaned the wounds, and he kept picking at it, his skin hadn't healed over yet. Loki instantly moved forward. He gently grabbed Peter's hand from picking and irritating the wound away. He shook his head sadly. 

"Don't do that," he said, an edge to his voice, "you're hurting yourself." Why is Peter insisting on hurting himself? Perhaps he has what the mortals call- depression? Suicidal actions? Loki's eyes turned to slits. He was going to help this broken man become whole again. 


Hey do you guys want this to be a ship? Or do you want it to just be protective!Loki? Tell me in the comments!

This work currently has 1068 words!



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