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'Damn, that man is sexy! He's sex on legs!'

'Really brain? Ugh. You are such a horndog.'

 I finally stop staring at the man only to realize that i've been standing in the same spot forever and my mom is still yelling at me to move. I quickly move and run towards her, and just in time to, there was this huge line of people standing behind me cussing me out. An old lady flipped me the birdie and I gladly repayed her the same gesture.

 So much for going to the store... 

 But I swear it was all that man's fault! He distracted me with his beauty, which by the way it should be against the law to look so sexy, which got me in trouble. I guess I'm not making any sense because i have yet to say what he looks like.

  Well he is 6'6' with hair that is mid-back and is the color of the midnight sky. His eyes are the these deadly emerald green eyes, and his lips are full and a light pink shade. He also has high cheekbones and the color of his skin is this beautiful shade of tan, most likely caramel.

 So here's how it all started.


  He was the manager of the Midnight Sun outlet mall, and he decided he was going to come into the Hot Topic store to see how his employees were doing. And it so happened that I was in there at that time about to buy some maroon suspenders and some Gir slippers. He was wearing this black Armani suit with a white long sleeved buttoned up shirt with black Armani slacks and no tie.

 I couldn't help but stare at him and all his glory. I decided that I should buy several other items seeing how he was going to be in the store for a couple of hours helping the employees and wandering around the store looking at items on sale. So I grabbed my purse and my shopping bag and went back in the aisles to look at random things.

 I had gotten some more things like an Adventure Time shirt and some spike heels, etc. I ran back in line just as he got to the register. And this is what we said...

"How may I help you ma'am?" He smirked.

'Did he just smirk?'

"Um, I wanna buy these items..." "Oh um they were on sale, buy one get one other item free.."

"Alright that will be $129.57."

"Damn... Alright then."

 While I look through my wallet and get my credit card, I get this weird feeling that I'm being watched. When I look up I see him staring at me like if I'm something to eat. It freaked me out a little and what made things even freakier was the fact that his eyes turned pitch black. Weren't they green a second ago? I guess it's the flourescent lights...

 I glanced at his name tag and it read Damien Storm. Hmm... That's an interesting name. I wonder where he got it from.

"Ma'am? The card, please?"

"Oh! Um, sorry... Here."

I give him my card and I punch in my pin code. I was looking at his face, then the looking turned into staring. He smirked and asked me something but I wasn't paying attention to what he said. Hmm, he has a very sexy deep voice like a baritone. Wait, why do I hear yelling?

"Artemis Amethyst Royce! What are you doing standing here!", My mother yelled.

'I never understood why she named me that. I guess she was an overly creative women with no time to think about a proper name'

"Oh so that's your name. Hmm quite creative of your mother to name you that." He winked at me.


 I guess when I walked away I should have realized that I needed his phone number to call him. Since obviously he was flirting with me. I quickly prayed and ran back inside to find some stank hoe all over him. Well he wasn't my man to begin with but it still hurt. Hurt? I just met the guy and I feel attached to him.

 I sucked it up and walked right up to him and asked him for that much needed number and you know what he did? He laughed. LAUGHED! And I was so blinded in my anger that I hadn't  realized that he was writing his number AND his address. When I was about to cuss him out he cut me off by saying, "Tesouro, you are beautiful and I would love to take you to dinner any day or everyday. You ARE my mate." Mate? Dinner? HeHe he called me his treasure (tesouro in portuguese).

  I took the paper and smiled and then my face turned crimson. I'm a pecan brown color, so it was amazing how my face turned red. I turned and glared at the slut that was holding on to his arm. She stuck her tongue out at me and leaned over Damien and nibbled on his ear.

"You know if you really wanted me, wouldn't you get rid of that 'thing' nibbling on your ear? It probably has rabies and might give them to you."

"Tesouro, I don't want her like I need you. So please ignore her."

"I'll ignore her when pigs fly!"

 I ran out of the store and quickly called my mom. I explained everything to her and we decided to go eat out at a chinese buffet. She told me everything would be fine but, I had a feeling that maybe that wasn't true.

 I hadn't seen the deadly green eyes watching me everywhere I went.

Those Deadly Green EyesWhere stories live. Discover now