-episode 1-

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I stood by the door silently well after all I am mute so I naturally don't say much. So like I was saying I was standing by the door while commander jax confirmed the mission details with general hawk A.K.A the big boss the one the calls the shots. I looked around the room at our "loving family" who were also waiting for jax to finish talking to the big boss. As usual our teams big man James boulder A.K.A the boulder was sitting on the couch on the far side of the room reading one of his art of war books while his rocket launcher was strapped to his back and his 2 mini crossbows strapped to his dark skinned thighs. Because of his big size boulder takes up most of the couch but that dos not stop jinx our petite and only girl on our team to sit on the arm rest of the couch. Its not a big secret that jinx likes boulder everybody knows it well I guess everybody except boulder himself. I shift my gaze from those 2 and catch the teams youngest member gizmo eyeing boulder and jinx , gizmo may be a scientist but he's also a fighter with those super sonic gloves of him. It may have to do with the fact that I cant talk or its just jinx just dos not want to see it but I see it clearly that our young scientist is falling for jinx and I cant help but feel bad for him because it is known how jinx can break a heart. A slight sound of a gun makes my head turn and look at agent x that was cleaning his twin silver pistols which are his favorite weapons. A loud blast makes me look at the jackass of the team rex playing on his phone we just call him jackass and he's just fine with it he may be mean at times but we all know he never really means to offend you. Speak of the devil
" hey caliban what are you starring at? You have something to say?" he says with a smirk, because of me the whole team kind of knows sign language but I promise you you didn't have to know any to recognize the sign I made. "oh you want to go for a round mister cool guy?" asks rex playfully "why don't you take out those swords of yours and we will see how you will do against my aiming skills!"
I was just about to agree to whip his ass again when someone said from the direction of the door "rex we all know caliban can kick your ass" said jax standing at the door "besides don't you guys want to hear about our next suicide mission and how it might get us killed ?".

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