01 - Black And White

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Jung Taekwoon yawned as he came back from the office, standing alone in the ascending lift. He had to stay for one extra hour, courtesy of his boss wanting him to have a report done before the weekends came, which was tomorrow. He barely had enough time to finish it.

The lift stopped at his floor, the doors opening. He passed by a sweet old lady who stays next to his apartment he shared with his good friend, Kim Wonshik, and bowed at her, as she smiled and nodded her head, before continuing on their separate ways. He let himself into his apartment, and frowned seeing the mess his friend had made.

Wonshik was laying on the couch, with only his boxers on. In a hand hanging off the couch's edge, he held a cigarette. In the other hand, resting above his bare stomach, was an almost empty bottle of whiskey. There were a few other bottles around, too.

Around the wasted male, littered across the floor were crumpled up balls of papers. Wonshik's coat laid the closest to the door, after his shoes that were taken off sloppily. His pair of dirty socks laid two feet from each other, and his shirt was surely the one off next, being a foot next to the couch. Taekwoon guessed that Wonshik decided that the place was getting hot after drinking some alcohol, and took off his pants and tank top, as they laid on the floor right next to the couch.

"Wonshik," Taekwoon said in an angry tone. He hated seeing mess, for example, like the one displayed in his apartment.

"Hm?" Wonshik didn't bother to look up properly, and that boiled Taekwoon's blood even more.

"I told you not to make a mess! I just cleaned the house last night, and you're already putting it into chaos. How many times do I need to remind you?" Taekwoon scolded, and Wonshik grumbled.

"Leave me alone," Wonshik said, waving his hand that held the cigarette. Taekwoon rubbed his temples in frustration.


"Leave me alone, I said!" Wonshik harshly yelled, and Taekwoon grimaced even further.

"What's the matter with you, now? If you dare to tell me this was all out of pure bore-"

"It is pure boredom," Wonshik cut Taekwoon off, and Taekwoon let out a loud exasperated sigh.

"The lack of people calling in for jobs are making me a little, eh, restless," Wonshik confessed, slurring a little.

"You work as a composer. Don't you have any projects to do?" Taekwoon asked.

"I got accused of alleged copyright," he paused. "Of course, I didn't do it. The company, eh, what's the word, uh, sustain? Suspect? Su-"

"Suspended?" Taekwoon asked.

"Yes, suspended! They suspended me. Have you forgotten? My only source of entertainment, for now, is jobs," Wonshik took another smoke.

"Healthy entertainment," Wonshik coughed a little, before leaning back onto the couch.

"And as you can see-"

"There are no new jobs, is that what you wanted to say?" Taekwoon interrupted the white-haired male.


Taekwoon let out another exasperated sigh.

"At least try to work on something. A song, or something. Do I need to tell you that?" Taekwoon nagged.

"Take a look at the papers. I tried, but nothing would come out of my dead brain, ha," Wonshik snorted.

"You are not brain-dead," Taekwoon said, picking up a ball of paper, seeing what was inside. Wonshik was right. The content was words and scribbles over them.

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