04 - The Body

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Taekwoon sipped on his evening tea, pleased with how peaceful his day went. Of course, there were occasions where he scolded Wonshik and got a lot of protests and retorts in return, but nevertheless, it was well. He had the pleasant chance to relax in front of the television and watch some amusing shows, along with being able to catch up on his much-needed hours of rest.

The lunch with Hakyeon was more enjoyable than enough. As Hakyeon always carries himself in a down to earth and caring demeanor, the lunch was filled with warmth from Hakyeon's aura. Even Wonshik seemed to be at ease during lunch, and Taekwoon was easily at rest, as Hakyeon offered to help with cleaning up the table and even washing the dishes, although Taekwoon denied his offer to do the latter. But Hakyeon was one of kindness, and he had helped keep the dishes at their places after Taekwoon finished washing them all.

They had bid Hakyeon farewell a few hours ago. The boy had looked at his watch and said that he had to run an errand for his housemate and try to slip into the office before anyone notices he was late, and told the two men he needed to leave. But of course, before leaving, he had asked Taekwoon on when the latter would fill in his absence at work once more.

"It's full of ruckus when you're absent, Taekwoon," Hakyeon had said. "I do really wish you could come back earlier."

Now, with such adorable eyes that Hakyeon gave him, Taekwoon couldn't just disappoint and push his colleague straight into the dirt.

"I will try to come back early, Hakyeon," Taekwoon answered. "But we will have to see. I hope all goes well at the office."

"I feel a bit relieved hearing you say that," Hakyeon's smile was unforgettable. "Get well soon, Taekwoon! I'll try my best at work to help them all."

"Best of luck to you, Hakyeon," Taekwoon had also smiled, seeing the other boy's beautiful smile.

"Thank you! Goodbye," Hakyeon bowed, and waved as he walked away to the lift. Taekwoon watched on, until Hakyeon was safely inside the lift, and then only came back in.

At that moment, Wonshik was suddenly behind him, smirking.

"What are you grinning about, brat?" Taekwoon asked.

"And you were hitting me for being a 'lovesick idiot'," Wonshik smugly said. "Hypocritical."

"I'm not an 'idiot', unlike you. I don't miss meals even when I'm lovesick."

Taekwoon snorted as he remembered Wonshik confronting him about his feelings for Hakyeon, amused. He didn't have to deny anything, Wonshik is accepting and very open-minded, so there was nothing he needed to worry about. Heck, if the need comes, Wonshik would kill a person to protect Taekwoon, and Taekwoon would also kill a person to protect Wonshik.

And yes, Cha Hakyeon is Jung Taekwoon's crush.


The dreadful news came the next day, on the news sharp at 8.30 a.m. in the morning. The two men had let the television drone on as they ate their breakfast, but one particular news had caught their attention.

"A body had been discovered by the dumpster at the back of RXX Condominium Complex in Seoul earlier this morning, not too long ago," the reporter said, and upon hearing the name of the building where they resided, both of them looked up and turned to the television. "It was discovered by one of the janitors, a young man named Lee Hyunjeo. When interviewed, Mr. Lee had said that he was surprised to smell a distinctively different scent than the usual garbage at the back of the building, and spotted an odd-looking figure nearby. This is the interview video."

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