First You Need To Kiss

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So, a new book yay!! The idea behind this is that I'm gonna force myself to write something daily. Now, I know this story was in my "Outlaw Queen One Shots" book, but I have a test tomorrow and it's Christmas related so who cares 😂.
Also I realised I wrote this in idk probably January / February last year so I wrote this almost a year ago oops 🙈.
Oh and one more thing, this means that my normal one shot book won't be uploaded for a while...

It was the second day of December and it was already snowing. It was Friday afternoon and Robin and Regina (actually it was Henry's idea) decided to grab a hot chocolate at Granny's. The bell rang and a few persons looked who walked in. Regina immediately spotted David, Mary-Margaret, baby Neal and Emma at one of the tables. But she decided to ignore it and just walked with Robin, Henry and Roland towards the bar to order their drinks.
"Eh, yeah, we would like-" Regina started.
"Not so fast." Granny interrupted her, with a huge smile. Regina and Robin both gave her a confused look and Granny told them to look up.
A mistletoe. Hanging above their heads. Great.
"You need to kiss first, then you can order." Granny told them and suddenly Regina was very well aware of the fact that the entire dinner was looking at her and Robin. She glanced up at the mistletoe, looked at Robin, glared over at Granny and then glanced back up before finally looking back at Robin. Kissing him wasn't the problem, the persons watching them were. Regina saw Henry with the same smile as Granny and decided to ask him about this later. Ruby, who was trying to write down the orders from Emma, David and Mary-Margaret, stopped with what she was doing and just stared at them. Robin smiled at her too. Henry told him and Roland two days ago what standing under a mistletoe meant and he wasn't having any problems with it. There were still a few persons who were talking, but the moment Regina decided the entire dinner could go to hell and just kissed Robin everybody went silent. They didn't last that long, but was most certainly longer than she had planned at first.
"Good enough?" Regina asked with a hint of sarcasm, but Granny decided to ignore it when she answered.
"Yes, it is. Now, what did you wanted to order?"
"Four hot chocolates please." Regina answered and looked at the boys really quick.
"Four?" Granny asked her surprised.
"Yes, four. Oh, and could you please put cinnamon on them?" and then she quickly added: "On all of them." before the old lady could ask.
Putting cinnamon on hot chocolate was something Mary-Margaret, David and later Emma and even Henry did. When he started to ask her for it, Regina started to put in hers too (when she drank hot chocolate, what was pretty rare). Henry asked her for hot chocolate a few days ago and without thinking, she had put it in Robin's and Roland's too, and now they were also addicted to it. So thank you very much Mary-Margret (not like Regina would ever say that out loud).

After a few minutes of waiting Granny came back with four cups, topped of with chocolate, whipped cream and cinnamon. All the seats were taken, so against her better judgement, Regina started to walk towards Emma and her parents.
All three of them looked up at her, completely ignoring the three boys behind her.

"Can we?" Regina asked them quietly, but she was looking at Snow. They had finally sorted things out, but Emma was still a better friend of Regina then Mary-Margaret was.
"Sure." the women answered.
Roland immediately sat down next to Mary-Margaret and grabbed Regina's hand, pulling her next to him. Henry sat down next to Emma, who sat next to David and Robin sat next to Henry. It barely fitted, but the fact there were three kids helped.
"Are you drinking hot chocolate?" Emma asked Regina suddenly.
"Yeah, I am."
"I thought you didn't drank that." Emma told her and Robin and Henry tried not to laugh, but both failed.
"I don't." Regina told her. "But it's almost Christmas and it's cold outside and I wanted chocolate, so..."
Emma's jaw dropped slightly and she looked so confused it was almost funny. Then she spoke again: "Why did you do it?"
"What? Why did I order hot chocolate?" Regina asked, not exactly knowing what Emma was talking about.

Before Emma could explain it, Neal started crying.
"Shh, it's okay." Snow cooed.
Neal calmed down again and Emma answered Regina's question.
"No, I meant why did you kiss Robin in front of the entire dinner?"
Regina stayed silent for a while. Then she said slowly: "Because I promised the boys hot chocolate and I always keep my promises... Except maybe the promise for revenge, I broke that one."

Emma, Mary-Margaret, David, Robin and Henry all looked at her with shock, and the last two with something else she couldn't exactly name. Roland tried to look at all of them at the same time, not understanding what just happened.
"Why would you want rehvenhge Regina?" he asked her and she smiled at his way of saying it.
"Revenge, sweetie." she immediately corrected. But it didn't answer his question, and to be fair, she didn't know how to explain her relation with Snow to a four year old. She didn't even know how to explain it to herself. But apparently, Snow did know what to say.
"I... I just did something that was hurting her deeply so she just wanted to pay me back for what I did."
Roland nodded at Snow's tactful explanation and the entire table sighed relieved.
"Then what did you do to hurt her?" Roland asked Mary-Margaret and now she was at a lost of words too.
"Roland, that doesn't matter." Robin told him and both Regina and Snow sent him a grateful look.
"Why not daddy?" the boy asked and Emma laughed at his determination.
"Because neither Regina nor Mary-Margaret wants to talk about this son, so we are not asking them."
Roland looked up at Regina and looked then at Snow and then whispered: "I'm sorry."
It broke their hearts, his words, and Regina lifted the boy into her lap.
"It's okay, you can ask something when you don't understand it. It's just that this a bit of a painful subject." Regina whispered, pulling the four-year old in her lap.
"She's right you know, about the asking part, but she's also right about the painful part, so maybe we'll explain you when you're older and we figured out how to say it okay?" Mary-Margaret said and it was amazing for everybody on the other side of the table how they worked together with this.

"I ruined it." Roland whispered into Regina's shoulder and neither of them knew what he meant with this. Regina looked questionable at Robin, but he slightly shook his head to let her know that he didn't knew what his son meant.
"What do you mean honey?" she whispered, pulling the little boy closer to her.
"You said Christmas was about happiness and love and you're not happy right now. So I ruined it."
Emma inhaled sharply and Snow clapped her hand in front of her mouth. David looked at Roland with shock and once again Robin and Henry looked at her and Roland with something she didn't exactly knew what it was. It was like shock and sadness, but with love and this kind of sparkle, it was really strange.
"Sweetie, you didn't ruin anything. I'm still happy and so is Snow. You know, it's actually a good thing you asked this." Regina said softly and now everybody was looking at her questionably, what means, Emma, David and Henry, cause for some weird reason Robin and Mary-Margaret knew what she meant.
"It is?" Roland asked, lifting his head of Regina's shoulder.
"It is. You wanna know why?"
Roland nodded.
"Because Snow and I thought about it, we talked about it, and talking makes things better." Okay, they didn't exactly talked to each other, but there was something between them there wasn't before.
"It does?"
"It does." Snow smiled. "So you wanna talk about whatever is bothering you?"
Roland shook his head and Regina was really worried right now.

"Hey, Ro wanna go and talk to Ruby?" Henry said quick, knowing his parents (yes, he was considering Robin as his dad) were having problems with calming him down.
Right on the cue, Ruby appeared and heard Henry's last question.
"Yeah, wanna help me with tapping some drinks?" she asked, not before looking at both Robin and Regina, who both nodded.
"Can I?" Roland asked them.
"Yes you can." his father said, while standing up to let Henry out from the bench.
Ruby took Roland by the hand and Henry walked next to her.

After almost 30 more minutes, Regina decided they should probably go home, because Neal needed to sleep (really sleep and not getting woke by their laughter the entire time).
When they walked back home Robin grabbed her hand and they watched the boys who were throwing snowballs at each other while running.
"Be careful!" Regina yelled when Roland almost fell. The next moment a snowball hit her and if it took them almost an hour to get home because of an epic fight in the snow, well, then it took them longer. Because neither of them cared. All they cared about was each other and this moment neither of them wanted to end.

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