Times Change

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She used to hate this.

She used to hate the month of December and everything that led up to Christmas. She used to hate how happy everybody was. How everybody seemed to be loved by someone. Because she wasn't.

She had been alone during Christmas for 8 years before Henry came. And that turned everything around. Henry, he made Christmas one of the best things of the year. She loved the way he found everything absolutely amazing during December, how Christmas was their little special thing and nothing could ruin that.

Then, Emma came. And took Henry from her. And that's when everything was how it used to be, everybody had someone, except her. Only now it hurt a billion times more than before. Because now, now Christmas was a reminder of how lovely it used to be.

And then it became her absolute favourite thing in the whole wide world. Because now Robin and Roland are here too. Now, everything is perfect.

"You're lost in your thoughts again aren't you?"

Regina stopped staring into nothing and looked up to meet his eyes.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't-"

"You should.  You shouldn't forget how it used to be." Robin interrupted her, while he walked closer to her.

"But I don't want to remember everything. I want to remember how Henry woke me up at 6.00 am because 'It's Christmas Mommy, you gotta wake up!!'. I want to remember how he insisted on putting the star on top of the tree. I want to remember how he stole the cookies I just baked and then pretended like nothing happened. I want to remember the very bad Christmas movies we criticised but loved anyway when he got older. What I don't want to remember are the countless times I spent Christmas alone. How everything changed when Emma came around... I'm sorry, I'm rambling." She laughed nervously, what made him smile.

"It's okay. You can talk about how it used to be as long as you want, I'll listen to you. It might only make it harder for me and Ro to made this Christmas more special than the others."

"You being here already makes it the most special of all babe, and you know that."

Robin leaned in to kiss her, but the second their lips touched Roland, who came downstairs with Henry, screamed "Ewwwwww." and they quickly separated (Robin did keep an arm wrapper around her waist though) and then both started laughing.

"Ro, you gotta let them what they want to do." Henry told the younger boy seriously, barely able to hide his laugh. His mother and Robin smiled and tried not to burst into laughter.

"But they kissed." Roland responded, scrunching up his little nose in disgust.

"I know, horrible of us. We're sorry." Robin told his son, while pulling his girlfriend a little bit closer to him. Regina was grinning now, and started laughing when Roland muttered 'apology not accepted."

Robin walked up to his son and picked him up.

"What was that my boy? You're not accepting our apology? You're sure about that?"

Roland and nodded and then Robin started tickling him.

"You're still sure about it?"

"Y-yes." Roland answered between his laughs.


"Stop, papa please."

"Only if you accept our apology."

"Okay, okay."

Robin put Roland down and the little boy ran straight towards Regina.

"Aw baby, is your daddy being mean?"

"Very mean." Henry answered from the other side of the room, and next to Robin.

"Excuse you." Robin answered.

"No wai-"

Robin started tickling Henry and soon the entire house was filled with laughs.


This is why she loved Christmas.

And it's also why this will be best Christmas ever.

Because this year she's not alone. And she won't be ever again.

I'm so happy with this! Oml this gave me so much feelings while writing it 😂. Is there a name for Robin/Henry? And for Robin/Roland cuz I feel like it Robin/Henry should be OutlawBeliever (or TruestOutlaw idk). And maybe Robin/Roland should be DimpelsOutlaw... Either way, this is one of my favourites one shots at the moment and I hope y'all like it as much as I do. Lots of love, and see you tomorrow 💗.

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