Helping Out A Friend

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"I need your help with something." Regina said the second he opened the door.
"With what?" Robin asked, slightly worried, maybe because she showed up on his doorstep at 8.15 pm, without telling him beforehand.
Regina took a deep breath and looked her best friend in the eyes before whispering:
"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend at my family's Christmas party."
Robin stayed silent for a while.
"Of course Milady." He smiled at her and she sighed relieved.
"Oh thank God."
"So... why do you need me to pretend to be your boyfriend exactly?"
"Because they might think I'm in a relationship..." Regina trailed off.
Robin laughed.
"And why do they think that?" He asked, moving a little bit closer to her.
"You don't have to tell me if you don't want to."
"Thank you." She whispered, but she wasn't sure because he agreed to be her date, or because she didn't have to explain why she lied to her family.

A week later, they stood in front of the house of Regina's parents.
Robin knew she was nervous, so he grabbed her hand for comfort, ignoring the flutter in his heart when their hands touched.
Finally Cora opened the door and without saying anything, looked him up and down.
After a while she smiled lightly and let them in.
Cora left them alone in the hallway and after the two took of their jackets, Robin grabbed both of Regina's hands.
"Hey... It's gonna be alright. You're not alone."
"What if they ask questions? We didn't prepare anything. Why didn't we prepare something?"
"We're staying as close to the truth as possible okay?" Robin asked her and she nodded.
Then he let go of one of her hands and guided them into the living room. Which could also be described as the place where the persons who hurt Regina most in her life all came together. Great.

The first person they talked to was Zelena, who was soon joined by her fiancé, Arthur King.
"So where did you two meet?" Arthur asked, holding Zelena's hand in his left hand and a glass of champagne in his right.
"We met in college." Regina answered.
"But didn't start dating until after college." Robin added.
"Oh really?" Zelena asked curious. "How did you meet then?"
"We met through a mutual friend, called Rose and she uh-" Regina started, not knowing how to finish that sentence.
"She set us up. We owe her a lot actually." Robin finished for her, wrapping one arm around her waist and pulling her closer to him.
"This Rose seems like a nice person." Arthur commented and Regina and Robin smiled at that.
"Oh she's lovely." Regina agreed.
"Babe, I'm gonna grab some drinks, you want something too?" Robin suddenly asked her.
"Sure, you know what I like."
Then he kissed her cheek and she was left alone with her sister and almost-brother-in law.

When Robin returned he found her talking to somebody he believed she mentioned was Leo. What concerned him though, was that this "Leo" was also touching his best friend and she seemed extremely uncomfortable.
"I believe she wants you to stop doing that mate." He said, making Leopold step back. Regina looked super thankful and whispered a thank you when she accepted her drink from him.
Robin pulled her into him and looked at Leopold.
"So, how did you two meet?" The man asked and Regina and Robin quickly glanced at each other.
"At a party our mutual friend hosted, she then played matchmaker and things are going great." Robin explained.
"Interesting..." Leopold said quietly and then disappeared.

"You're okay?" Robin asked, still holding her close.
Regina nodded.
"I'm fine."
"I'm sorry love, but this is probably the most boring Christmas parties ever."
"I know, I'm sorry I dragged you into this."
"There's no way I'd be fine with myself knowing you went here alone."
Regina smiled, and turned so they were face to face.
What would it be like to kiss him? She wondered, not knowing where this thought came from. She couldn't kiss her best friend, that just wasn't okay.
Robin was having the same thought and the same feeling, so after a few seconds of staring (which felt like years) they separated again.

"Regina." Somebody said and when they turned to look who, Robin saw it was in fact Regina's father.
"Daddy!" Regina exclaimed, hugging her father.
After she let go of him, Henry turned to look at Robin.
"So you are the guy who stole my daughters heart." Henry smiled.
"You can't steal something that's been given to you." Robin replied, and he dropped a kiss to the side of Regina's head.
Henry laughed and shook Robin's hand.
"Just take care of her okay?"
"Of course."

They talked to a bunch of other people, and tried to avoid a conversation with Cora, but they seemed not to succeed in it when Cora suddenly called out both of their names.
Regina froze and Robin grabbed her hand, which made her relax a bit. When it didn't have the effect he hoped for, he wrapped his right arm around her waist and pulled her against him, which made her relax more. But her shoulders were still tense and Robin could basically feel the nerves flying through her body.
"I've been trying to reach you for a while." Cora spoke, flashing a fake smile at them.
And we've tried to avoid you for a while. Robin thought bitterly.
"So..." Cora started.
How did you two meet? Robin knew she was going to ask it. Everybody so far had asked it.
"How did you two meet?"
"We met in college." Robin answered immediately.
"But didn't start dating in college." Regina added quietly.
"How come?" Cora asked, ignoring Robin's cold tone and her daughter's quiet reply.
"It just never happened." Robin replied, already getting annoyed with Mrs. Mills.
"So how did you start dating then?"
"A friend set us up." Regina answered, a little bit louder than last time.
Cora stayed silent and just looked at them, trying to figure out if they were lying to her. She looked at the way Regina leaned into Robin, the way Robin was now playing with the ends of her hair, how he leaned in to whisper something in her ear.
Apparently Cora seemed to believe they were legitimately a couple, because she turned around and left without saying a word.

Regina was slightly shaking, and Robin knew they needed to leave before she lost control over her emotions, something that happened rarely in public but what he had witnessed multiple times, always there to comfort her.

"I think we should get you home love." He whispered and she nodded.
When they were in the hallway, she seemed to calm down a bit.
"Robin?" She asked when they both had their coats on.
"Yes Milady?"
"You seem so natural and calm about this- about being together..."
His heart started to pick up pace.
"And?" He asked quietly.
"I wondered..."
He could hear his heartbeat in his ears now, and she was fumbling with her hands.
"Why? I mean-"
Robin cut her off by moving very close to her and trapping her between the wall and his body.
"I like you, I like you very much. Hell, I might even love you. And when you asked me to this, it gave me an opportunity to pretend that this, us, was real and gods Regina I want it to be real so badly." He whispered and when he finished he started to fear her reaction.
"I'm sorry if that's not-"
Now she cut him off, by pressing her lips to his.

After a few seconds her arms wrapped around his neck, trying to pull him closer. She tilted her head, opened her mouth and deepened the kiss.

"That was..."
"Amazing." Robin finished and he pressed his lips to hers briefly.
"Perfect." Regina smiled.
"Is it bad I actually like this party now?"
"Let's take this outside." Regina whispered, but stole a quick kiss from his lips anyway.

When they opened the door they discovered it had started snowing.
They also heard a vague scream of their names, but they ignored it and walked outside.

Robin had grabbed her hand, and they walked towards his car, which was parked a few blocks away because she had needed a little bit of time to collect herself when they arrived here.
"Is it too soon to ask you something?" he asked casually, while in reality he was questioning the cleverness of his next move.
"Like?" Regina asked instead of answering, but having a feeling what he wanted to ask.
"Will you be my girlfriend? If you-"
"Yes." She answered, while she stopped with walking and turned so they were face to face.
"I want to be your girlfriend you silly."
Robin smiled brightly and leaned in to kiss her.

Nobody knows how long they have been standing there, in the cold, making out, while snow fell from the sky. (A/N Sorry but I thought of Mary Margaret and found that extremely funny for a sec)
But to be fair, it didn't matter. Because in the end, they were happy and that was all that counted.

This story isn't as Christmas-y as the others, but it's fluffy and sweet and I actually like it a lot. Feedback is always welcome! Until tomorrow!

P.S. My normal one shot book almost has 3K readers and that makes me super super happy 😂😂💗

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