Hello there, friend

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Okay, so I was named after a month. But I was born in September, so your birthday jokes aren't funny. Actually, none of your jokes are funny. Or original. So let me just put my headphones in and drown out your existence, okay?

That was a little rude, wasn't it? I'm sorry. My name is August Springfield. I'm 16. I'm a sophomore in high school. I don't have much friends. Oops, sorry I lied. I don't have any friends. I thought I could've made one over the summer, when a boy my age moved in next door, But we'll get to him later. I'm not much of a talker, mostly because I have no one to talk to. My parents are rarely home. My mom is an obstetrician, a doctor who delivers babies, if you didn't know. My dad is in Afghanistan, and he won't be back for a year.He's a corpsman, so you know, my family is big into medical things. Helping people, giving back... you know that stuff. I wish I was into medicine and all that, but I'm just not. 

As I was saying, my mom isn't home a lot. She gets back from work at 9 pm, eats whatever I cooked for her, and goes to bed. She wakes up at 5 to take a shower, eats breakfast, and is out the door by 6:30. I only ever really see her on the weekends. So most of the time I'm home alone. I have an older brother named Dylan, but he moved out 2 years ago. He's 24, and in film school. So yeah, I'm home alone a lot. But that's only when I stay home. My mom gives me allowance every week, and encourages me to get out of the house. Sometimes I do, I go to the mall. Sometimes I go to the movie theater. But I go alone. 

What does one do in her lonely hours? Well, I like photography. I take pictures all the time. You won't see me without my camera. Its fun, or at least I think it is. I also like music. I play the guitar, piano, cello, violin, and the bass. I sing too, but I'm not great at that. I like to write, because its easier than speaking. I draw a lot too. The walls in my room are painted a dusty rose color, one of my favorite colors, and are covered in my pictures and drawings. I do homework too, because unfortunately, I'm kind of a genius. 

I live in a big house , on a cul de sac full of big houses. My house is much too big for just me and my mom, but you know, you get what you get. Anyway, this summer, meaning early August, a family moved into the house next door. They had a son and a daughter. Of course, my mom made me go try to make friends with their children. So I made them cupcakes and knocked on their door. The kids weren't home, but they thanked me anyway. Their son was my age , and in my grade. I see him around school, all the time. I also see him walk home after football practice. He's sadly very attractive, which means he's also very popular. That's a bit scary, you know, having the most popular boy in school living next door. But he doesn't know who I am, and he doesn't give a damn about me.

I haven't talked to him, and probably never will, but that's okay, its not like its a new thing. But the odd thing is, I feel this strange pull towards him. I can't explain it, but its like he plays a part in my life, like the last piece of the puzzle, the one that completes the whole picture. Yet I don't even know him. Crazy right? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2014 ⏰

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