Chapter three; Recover and Ride

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"Uhh..hey Adam this is Stephen! He's my good friend that moved last year. He's come to visit." Georgie said.
"Hey. Im Adam."
"Nice to meet you." Stephen shook Adam's hand.
"Hey Georgie, can I talk to you? Alone?" Adam glared at Georgie.
"Uh sure." Georgie said.
"I will be out front." Stephen walked out.
"Georgie, who is that guy?" Adam asked.
"He's just a good friend." Georgie replied.
"Were you more than friends? Cause it sure seemed like it." Adam scowled.
"Well a while ago yes, but now we are friends. Just friends." Georgie said
"Did he dump you? Hurt you?" Adam grabbed her hand.
"No! He moved and we kinda just stopped talking. I guess we never really broke up." Georgie said.
"What?! Never broke up?! How are we together!?" Adam yelled.
"Adam! Calm yourself! When he moved we both kinda just stopped talking." Georgie clenched her fists.
"Why did you say you never broke up? You have two boyfriends?!" Adam yelled.
"Oh my gosh Adam. None of us dumped each other. We stopped talking for no reason. And we are good friends because of that. Yes we were together at a time but that's over. We basically dumped each other at the same time but without words. Do you understand now? Stephen is my friend. You are my boyfriend." Georgie kissed Adam. "And you are going to be nice to him or I won't get you anything for Christmas." Georgie finished.
"Alright. I will be nice to him. For you, not for him." Adam said.
"Good." Georgie kissed him again.

"Alright, Macy. Do you need a leg up?" Amy asked. Macy shook her head.
As soon as Macy climbed onto Delilah, she grasped the withers. "Macy, your okay! Don't be scared." Amy reassured her. As soon as Macy sat up straight and kissed Delilah to move forward, Delilah freaked out and bolted. "Pull up! Macy, pull up!" Amy yelled.
"Macy!" Margaret yelled. Delilah took a sharp turn and Macy went flying to the ground. "Macy!" Margaret yelled running into the arena. "Here you go." Amy lifted Macy up. "Honey are you okay?" Margaret asked. Macy nodded.
"Okay im not sure this was such a good idea." Margaret said pulling Macy by the arm. Macy ripped her arm away and signed angrily. "But I don't want you to get anymore hurt! I won't allow this!" Margaret continued. Macy shook her head and walked back towards Delilah. "I now know what Delilah is capable of so I will be more aware of what to do." Amy said.  "Oh! Last try but if she falls again-" 
"Don't worry. She won't." Amy said.

Ty was working at the clinic one morning and to his surprise, some thing amazing was about to happen. "Hey Ty? Got a minute? We need to talk." Scott asked.
"Uh yeah sure." Ty had a confused look on his face.
"Listen, I'm going to expand my business in Calgary. There is better business there and insurance covers most of the cost." Scott said.
"Wait Scott. Are you asking me to move to Calgary? Now? I can't I have my home and wife here! And our baby, Scott I-"
"Im not asking you to move with me. Im asking you to take over the clinic. Here in Hudson." Scott said.
"Are you serious? Wha- really?!" Ty said.
"Yep. And there is more hired help on the way. But on one condition." Scott said.
"What's that?" Ty asked.
"Cassandra will be your partner. After all she has a year in advance experience than you." Scott smiled.
"Uh yeah sure. I guess. Wow!" Ty bro hugged Scott.
" I thought you'd like that idea. Don't miss me that much." Scott said sarcastically.
"Haha!" Ty laughed.

   "Good job Macy!" Amy called to her. Macy was jumping away already on Delilah. She signed to her mom.
"Oh uh Macy says she wants to go again." Margaret said.
"Alright then lets go!" Amy patted Delilah's hindquarters. Amy's phone rang. "Hey Ty. Oh really? What news? Ok ok! Can't wait. See you soon. Bye. Ok keep it up Macy!"

   It was the next day. Georgie and Jade had to work at Maggie's early that day.
"Hey are you doing anything this afternoon?" Jade asked Georgie.
"Yeah. Im going on a ride with Stephen. Why?" Georgie replied.
"Oh a sponsor day trip to the mountains!" Jade said excitedly.
"Really? Your sponsor is taking you to the mountains!? Jade that's amazing!" Georgie said.
"I know right! Im so excited. Tell Tim I have to take off early." Jade said walking out of Maggie's. Georgie sighed.

   "I really want to thank you." Margaret said to Amy.
"Oh don't thank me. It was all your daughter." Amy said.
"Macy what do you say?" Margaret said.  Macy signed thank you in the alphabet. "That means thank you." Ty leaned into Amy.
"Your welcome! Good luck!" Amy waved as they left. "Now for you! I still can't believe it! Scott is handing off the clinic to you?! Ty that's amazing!" Amy said.
"I know! I still can't believe it!" Ty hugged Amy.
"Well to celebrate, how bout we go out together. For the entire night. Eat at a restaurant, sleep in a fancy hotel, and its all on me!" Amy said.
"I never let a lady pay for dinner, but you can pay for the hotel." Ty said grabbing her shoulders.
"Oh really? Yeah!" Amy and Ty giggled.
Then they kissed ever so sweetly.

    Georgie and Stephen were on their trail ride. "Hey Georgie, I am leaving in two days." Stephen said.
"I know. Thats why I wanted to go on this trail ride." Georgie replied.
"I wanted to be friends with your boyfriend but he doesn't seem to like me that much." Stephen sighed.
"Hey. Don't worry. I will give you his number. You both like school. Talk about that!" Georgie giggled.
"You really think so?"
"Totally." They smiled. "Hey I'm going to miss you." Georgie said.
"Me too. And we need to start texting again." Stephen said.
"Yes we do. As much as we can." Georgie smiled. They leaned over to give each other a hug. Then they rode off.

    Chapter four coming soon!
Thanks so much for reading! Hope you enjoyed!

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