Chapter 1

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Disclaimer: This book was originally owned by Cassandra Clare, but some of the characters that are in this book are my own.

Clary and Jace had just returned from the Silent City.

The treatment that Clary had to face during her visit there was intense. Her brain was still shaken up by all the pain that she received during the treatment.

As they walked up the stairs to the institute, Clary saw a young girl that looked almost exactly like her. The girl had her eyes, and same everything, but the same color hair.

Clary was astonished by what she saw, and noticed that Jace was too. The girl walked towards them. Clary and Jace alarmed by what was happening, but didn't respond. It took Clary a bit longer to process what was happening at the moment because of all pain that still seared through her brain. Jace unlike Clary processed the entire situation faster, but still not quite understanding it.

When the girl got closer, she said "Hello, my name is Serena. I'm Clary's twin sister, and I was summoned from Idris to assist you on missions." Jace still alarmed went straight towards her. Clary noticed that Serena had the snake cuff around her arm, but she still had a seraph blade.

Isabelle came out of the institute. Her smile widened when she saw Serena. Serena smiled back, and said "I'm Clary's twin sister, and I was summoned to help your team." Isabelle's delight showed on her face. There was a long silence. Serena was the first to break up the silence.

"I have been fighting demons all my life," Serena explained to everyone. Everyone's eyes wandered to her. Serena not knowing if to feel comfortable or uncomfortable, just stared back. Serena was getting praised by Isabelle, and the fact that Isabelle took an even greater liking to Serena surprised her.

Alec was just about arriving as Isabelle and Serena were starting their conversations. "Alec, this is Serena, and she was summoned from Idris to help us, and she has been fighting demons all her life," Isabelle exclaimed in delight. Alec just looked at Serena, but he wasn't glaring at her. There was something that was changing in him, and he knew it.

Clary's eyes widened she never knew that anyone would have the power to change Alec. Serena would be the first one to completely transfer Alec's thinking to not only liking guys, but also girls.

The Institute was welcoming her in with a warm friendly feeling, although Isabelle and Alec were still not use to Clary, they were starting to trust her. Serena on the other hand was heading off on the right foot. She was much better at socializing than Clary, and was much better at fighting demons than Clary.

"We are going to have to see Magnus Bane tonight," Jace said. Everyone, but Serena were looking at him surprised.

"I have known who Magnus Bane since I was about thirteen. I also had the block on my mind, but I wasn't an artist like my sister, so Magnus couldn't install the angelic rune in my brain to see when the block was coming off. I was always into writing books about fairy-tales. Even if I started to write about demons, and all sorts of things from this world, my mom wouldn't know when the block was off. Clary on the other hand was always in the mood of drawing, so he knew that installing the angelic rune in her brain to see when the block was fading was fine. When the block had come off, Magnus decided that having me stay living in the mundane world was too risky, especially when I had received my abilities early. Magnus sent me to live in Idris 'til I was of age and ready to come help this team. He would always come to visit me in Idris every two weeks to see if I was fine. I was only worried about Clary, and how she would enjoy life in a cluster of lies," Serena explained.

"Do you know where Magnus lives?" asked Alec. Serena rewarded him with a smile and a nod. 

"I know, but we have to start to get dressed," Serena answered. 

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