Chapter 3

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Serena was surprised at the sight. She had never seen anything so wonderful, but when she turned around Jace wasn't anywhere to be found.

Serena walked around the gorgeous greenhouse in search of extraordinary flowers, and all sorts of new wildlife she never knew about. As she walked around, she heard a noise coming from the door of the greenhouse. Jace came in along with Clary, and they were totally open with their feelings to each other. Well of course, Serena already knew that Jace and Clary were in love with each other. Serena didn't think that Jace would ever actually try to show that he cared for Clary, but it seemed that she was proved wrong as they strolled closer to her.

Jace took both Serena and Clary by the hand, and led them to the beautiful apple tree, where he plucked two apples from. He dug through his pockets. After a few seconds, he pulled out a knife, and sliced the top of the apple off. Then, he started to dig through his pockets again, and pulled out two candles. He placed them in the apples, and distributed them to the girls, as the candles flashed up a little light.

"Sorry there's no cake," Jace said.

"No problem I was expecting nothing, so this is good," replied the girls in chorus.

"Well, everyone should get something for their birthday," Jace said.

Then, he led the girls to a spiral staircase. He allowed them to climb before him, and when they got to the top of the stairs, he decided that this was the perfect time for the girls to know more about him.

Jace told them a story about how when he was nine, his father had given him a hawk. Micheal Wayland  asked Jace to make the bird obedient, but Jace didn't have a heart for that, so he stroked the bird's wing until it trusted him. Jace took it to his father expecting him to be proud, but instead Micheal grabbed the bird, and broke its neck. Jace cried all night, and never cried again. He believed that his father was trying to help him become stronger.

The girls just watched as he handed each of them a witchlight. Just then the clock struck midnight, and Jace helped the girls to their feet. He asked them to watch the beautiful flowers that bloomed only at night. As the flowers opened slowly, the girls stared at them amazed. Serena never thought about flowers blooming so beautifully. She also knew that she had a wonderful connection with Jace, not as boyfriend/girlfriend relationship, but just as best friends.

Serena felt it was time to leave, so she walked down the stairs leaving Jace and Clary staring at each other. Without another word, Serena opened the door, and walked down the corridors towards her room. Passing the infirmary where Simon lay on his bed sleeping. She strolled slowly to her room, regretting the fact that she had bumped in Alec. Serena tried to move around him, but before she could make it around him, Alec grabbed her arm. Serena struggling to get her arm away from Alec, remembered that she could see into the past and future.

Serena closed her eyes looking into the past of Alec's life. 

Alec was sitting around the library of the Institute next to his sister, Isabelle. Isabelle was trying to reason something with Alec. 

"Alec, you know that the Clave won't accept this," Isabelle said.

"I know very well that liking boys won't come clean to the Clave, but I can't just make myself fall in love with a girl that I don't like. I don't like any kinds of girls. The only girl that I like is you," Alec replied. 

Serena's vision soon melted away into dust. She came back to reality when Alec pinned her against the wall.

Isabelle was walking around the corner, and saw what Alec was trying to do for the first time. She decided to stay, and watch her brother. Isabelle very quietly tip-toed, and sneaked up behind a pillar that was about five feet away from the scene.

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