C h a p t e r O n e

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A/N: PLEASE read the Prologue before reading this chapter, otherwise the end part won't make sense. Thank you. -YH



The red cape danced in the wind beautifully from where it was tied to the iron pole like a makeshift flag, the shine of its polyester fabric the sole focus of Nell's eyes as she crouched onto the ground beneath it in agony.

Her legs contorted against the dirt and wreckage around her as unwanted memories began to spill out of the stronghold she had them locked behind in her mind. The pain was unreal, even stretching into the realm of physical pain as she fought to reject the memories from replaying the tragedies of her past. She clawed desperately at her head, mussing her tight pony tail while the pain wracked within her and taunted her with images of her past. She knew very well, however, that the fight was pointless as the memories inevitably began to overtake her.

It happened often. Constant fragments of her past would creep out of the barrier occasionally to haunt her and she'd have to endure through the pain of remembering. But this time it felt different, much stronger. She knew the memory that chose to assault her this time was hideous and incredibly angry. It was bent on hurting her, tearing through her. Scarring her.

And she was right.

This time, her assailant happened to be the memory of the beginning of the end. The end of her past life, that is, and the beginning of her new one three years prior.

Defeated, Nell mentally recoiled and let the memory play out before her:


Nell trekked through the busy New York streets with a slender, neatly wrapped package in her hands. She smiled to herself as she expertly navigated the crowds of rush-hour workers on their way to a long workday.

She hoped more snow would fall today like it had been the past few days. That would make Stevie really happy.

Nell tugged at the baggy army coat her father had given her years ago and quickened her pace in excitement. She had outgrown the ugly old garb a long time ago, but today was an especially chilly Friday morning and she wore no other coats but this one when she visited her parents. It was the only one that ever seemed to please her father.

Besides, she didn't mind it much because she would get to see Stevie soon, and that would be worth it all.

"NEEEELLIE!! ... Wait ... Uuup!" Mae wailed breathlessly in between pants as she struggled to catch up with her sister. Her expensive new heels clacked loudly on the concrete as she ran messily toward Nell with the rest of the gifts in tow.

However, Nell oversaw this to focus on a bigger issue. Her entire attention was now on the endearing pet name her older sister liked to call her by at home.

"You really shouldn't call me that Mae, you know Dad hates it. He thinks 'Nell' is bad enough as it is.

Mae struggled to regain her breath and looked at her little sister warily, "Well that old misogynistic prick can go suck it. We're going there for Stevie, not for him."

Nell huffed in exasperation "Mae, you know we have to stay on good terms with him or else he might not let us see Stevie for Christmas! You HAVE to control yourself today, got it?"

"Okay, okay Nellie. You're right," Mae pouted, "but can we take a break now? You dumped all these gifts on me and I'm dying over here!"

"You know, for such a skilled doctor you're one of the most unfit people I know," Nell mused, "Practice what you preach, Sis!" Nell teased as she took the heavy packages off her tired sister's hands.

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