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**Peter’s POV***

Like a rocket that was just released into space, I rushed outside of the front door, and down the stairs.  I still was in shock on what just happened, I looked to my left and right to see no one outdoors. I slowly sat on the front steps and put my hands to my head, and told myself that the footprints and pawprints , the dream, and the fight with Chase never happened.

After I stopped freaking out, I took a couple of deep breaths, and then I looked up at from the ground to look out into the houses in the neighborhood. But from the corner of my eyes I saw six prints embedded in the grass. I arose from where I was seated and walked towards the imprints, as I got closer they seemed to be leading to my window on the side of our house.

The features of the prints changed, four of them were clearly resembled pawprints like a dog or a wolf, and the other two prints were human. But what they all had in common is that they were covered in dry human blood. I was freaked out again, and before I let anymore fear rush to my head I ran to the backyard and grabbed the hose and sprayed  the footprints and blood out of the yard. I ran back to the backyard and put the hose away.

As I turned around there stood my best friend Garrett with a creepy goblin mask on. It was almost like instinct when I punched him in the stomach. He hunched over and took off the mask and said, “ What the heck was that for!?”

I looked at him and said, “Dude I am so sorry. But you have to admit, trying to scare me you deserved it.”

He nodded and replied, “ Yeah, yeah, whatever. Now if you're done beating me up can we go to school now.”

I helped him pick up his bag, and we walked off to school, but all the way there I couldn’t help but worrying about the imprints that had been washed away. Instead of them being embedded into the ground they were in my head.

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