Chapter 10 - Questions

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Chapter 10 - Questions

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I smile a little, arching my back as his lips trail down my jaw to my neck, where he sucks on the area lightly. I let him hold me, nip at the skin, only to pull away when he reaches to grip my hip. This was obviously Christopher. He had no filter as to when was the right time to grab me... like that... and when not to. Other than that, I still couldn't completely identify them.

He rolls his eyes but releases me and I go to Nicholas, tiptoeing up to meet his lips in a kiss, his teeth lightly nipping at my lip before I lowered down. "Hi" I whisper before turning to the doorway and making my way to the livingroom after waving at them to come after us.

The first thing I notice is the people there and the second is that their eyes came to me as soon as I entered. Lukas' mom was smiling widely, her fingers intertwined in her lap. They twitched, as if she wanted to come to me and I wince because somehow, I knew she wanted to grab my cheeks.

Is that how having a mother worked? Painful squeezes to the cheeks? Deadly, bone-crushing hugs? Annoying rules and irritating invasion of privacy?

Huh, I wish I had a mom.

I clear my throat, my eyes turning to Aaron and I look down after a while, licking my lips with a flush. Lukas gives me a look after I wave at his parents and drop down beside him. "Brandon" Aaron says, with me peeking up at him while sinking my teeth on my inner cheek. He tilts his head, "I'm hearing very interesting things between you and my sons."

Oh god, here comes the rejection towards our relationship.

"He's so cute!" Vanessa suddenly gushes, my cheeks flushing hot as I looked down.

Oh, god, why was this so embarrassing?

"Is this true?" Aaron continues.

"Leave him alone, dad" who I assume was Christopher, says.

I push my glasses up and nod, "Umm.. since... yesterday" I say and feel my ears burn again.

Lukas bumps my shoulder, "He's playing with you. Dad, leave him alone, will you? Can't you see he's all red?" I flush even more, god I was almost sweating.

"I'm just asking!" Aaron grins and I know that he was okay with this. I mean, he must know I was their soul mate. Christopher and Nicholas wouldn't let him tell me to stay away.

"Just watch out" Dexter states as he crosses his arms a little, "Those two can be the devil incarnate when they're angry."

Cody smiles widely, "Angry sex is the best." I choke on an inhale, coughing when my lungs expand to get a rush of air in. The room suddenly became more hot, or it was probably me with how red I was. He did not just say that. I hear protests and Lukas hits my back a little as I struggle to take in a deep breath. I look up, watching Cody grin up at Michael, who had a look on his face, telling me he said this way too many times. Cody rolls his eyes before looking at me, "You've had sex, no? You're cute. Maybe you had lots of boyfriends."

I literally feel my stomach drop, but I try so hard not to wince. I try so hard not to choke again, or to show just how much that word ached. I couldn't say no because that would be a lie. Lukas said they would be able to tell a lie. "I've never had a boyfriend" I finally say instead, lowering my eyes with a forced smile. I make a face, "Something tells me you say that sentence a lot, though" I add with a grin.

Thankfully, no one mentions just why I evaded that question. Although there is a little tint of a tense atmosphere left. Lukas, though, sees immediately and the look he gives me is one of that someone too curious for his own good. The next couple of minutes consist of them talking, laughing and asking me questions.

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